Hi! More about me ↓
About me ♡♥︎
▷ Call me Elizabeth, Liz, or Lizzy
▷ My favorite color is pink
▷ My birthday is January 31st ♒
▷ Multifandom editor and gamer
▷ American
Things I love
▷ Bengals (NFL)
▷ Buckeyes (College)
▷ Country Music
▷ Editing
▷ The Sims 4
▷ Monday-Thursday: The Sims 4 or my other series
▷ Friday: Break day or whatever I want
▷ Weekend: Editing anything
▷ Meg, Juju, Anistyn, Alex, Girlie, Grace, Cadence, Calorie, Ella, Ellie, Strangeredits, Avery, Dementors_Slay, Pen, Jasmine, Editsxoxo, Chloe, Just_Blitzz, Say, Lulu, Venus, Talon, Darwin, Lauren, Titi,
▷ Meg is the Johanna to my Finnick ❤
▷ Juju is the Madge to my Katniss 🧡
▷ Alex is the Katniss to my Peeta 💛
▷ Bella is the Prim to my Katniss 💚
▷ Ella is the Katniss to my Finnick 💙
▷ Girlie is the Josh to my Jen 💜
▷ Say is the Katniss to my Johanna 🤎
I love you all so much thank you for everything ❤💕💖
And WHO DEY! 🐯