I, Swati Jagdish (aka Maya's amma) am a psychologist from coimbatore, Tamilnadu. I'm a certified lactation educator and counselor, NLP practitioner & sexuality health educator who's actively into content creation for close to ten years now. With stories with Maya's Amma, I intend to create a safe community that helps people learn more about their inner child, mental health, sex-ed, adult intimacy, life purpose & exploring spiritual growth so that they create beautiful relationships with people around them & more so with themselves.
More about me, I conduct workshops on, behavior profiling, parenting, sex education, intimacy & relationships, women empowerment, healing & inner work. My recorded workshops are available on Maya's Amma App & offline workshops are announced in various Indian cities. I am also one of the managing trustees of Coimbatore parenting network.
With this podcast, I hope to create a like minded community together, which can help us heal, all by sharing stories.