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"Don't be sad that it's over, smile because it happened" : )

8 months ago - 354 likes

Hey Guys Berryhill here, been a while huh?

Firstly, I'm sure most of you will be asking about my game, Well unfortunately it's delayed...

See... I was developing it with an engine called "Unity" and due to the changes that were proposed in mid-September. I need to switch to a different engine(I'm going to be using Unreal Engine 5 from now on) as such, I'll need far more time.

I know I should've said something this earlier this month or whenever the changes were announced back in September but truth be told.. I really didn't want to switch because it would suck for essentially most of the knowledge I've gained to be unfortunately wasted. Additionally I can't just port it from Unity to Unreal as it had several systems and plugins that were made for Unity, specifically "Photon" a built-in online networking system as my game is multiplayer.

It's not all lost though! I still have all the art assets I drew, Sound effects I created, and music I commissioned. So I'm not back to square one, but more like starting halfway up the stairs! However with learning a brand new engine It will unfortunately be a while before I can release it, How long? I don't know...

Secondly, I'm sure you're wondering when I'll return to make content and unfortunately I don't think I will, life has changed... But in a good way! Let me explain...

The reason I was so active between October-June is because truth be told... I was severely depressed during this time and Youtube was very much a means of escape from it all. (Started living by myself and working a shitty job at grocery store with terrible co-workers)

But it's all gotten much better!

Starting in July: I moved back in with my dad for the first time since I was 11, Started going back to the Gym for the first time in a few years, I have actual hope for the future, and I turn 20 on the 29th! Life is good! : D

So I kind of don't really feel the need to return as part of my motivation was an escape from the world, also it's kind of weird reminiscing on this channel as I wasn't in a good headspace when I made a lot of these videos. But I'm glad I did!

I'm genuinely happy that even though it was a very low point in my life. I still managed to bring joy to all of you!

It seriously makes me happy that people didn't just enjoy my content, They made friends, some even met partners because of it! The butterfly effect is real!

in my absence, here are some people to check out:

Some are friends, others are just people I think are underrated!















and once more, just for the road...You're breathtaking! : )

P.S ​ ‪@Watermelon-Pizza‬ a promise is a promise you now own the Berryhill empire : )
(All subs must bow to his will)

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