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Elite Gaming Channel

22.1K subscribers - no pronouns set

Elite Gaming Channel brings you the best of elite level prof

Elite Gaming Channel
4 months ago - 18 likes

For those of our followers interested in Stormgate, we have opened a new YouTube channel that will exclusively feature Stormgate esports content, including every match from the ongoing $10,000 EGC Stormgate Open. You can follow that here:

For those only here for Age of Empires, don't worry - this channel will remain dedicated to Age of Empires. The next event is The Elite Classic II ($25k) coming in just 10 days. Follow updates for this event on Discord:

Elite Gaming Channel
11 months ago - 42 likes

We hope you've been enjoying the $10k Afreeca Duos 2v2 event! As usual we'll keep uploading VOD's but we'd absolutely LOVE it if you'd consider checking out the finals which is LIVE right now:

We won't post the incredible line-up as to not spoil things for those of you following behind. But we will say it will help us immensely for as many of you as possible to come support the players live in today's action!

The broadcast is currently LIVE on this link:

Elite Gaming Channel
1 year ago - 50 likes

If you've been enjoying The Elite Classic, consider tuning in to watch the Grand Final today at 15GMT live on Twitch. We won't write who is playing because we don't want to spoil for those of you following on YouTube!

Elite Gaming Channel
1 year ago - 16 likes

Hello wonderful community!

We wanted to let those of you know that watch us on YouTube that this weekend we'll be hosting a live event as part of the Creator Preview of the 'Return of Rome' DLC for Age of Empires II: DE!

If you want to catch us live, come join 17 GMT Saturday and Sunday:

Elite Gaming Channel
1 year ago - 61 likes

Building a build order depository for AOE4!

When I first got into AOE3 - my first love - one thing that helped me the most was written build orders and openings. I used to love choosing the civ and scrolling through all the different ideas and trying them out. Within just a few minutes of reading you can grasp a new idea. Especially for beginners wanting to try out a new civ, it's the quickest way to be competitive. A lot of the fun was people then discussing the virtues of the build order and how it went when they tried it. Every now and then a super cool one would be discovered.

Recently I've seen so many posts on Reddi, Twitch and YouTube looking for civ-specific build orders and so I feel this is something the community really wants to see. Every time a season changes players just looking to be mildly competitive on ladder begin feeling very lost.

And as such, we need your help. I've created on our forum a new section specifically for posting Season 3 build orders by civ. The first post of any thread should always be a build order, with the discussion underneath. I have created an example post here:…

I'm asking the community to help out by adding your build orders. This can either be your own build order or a build order you saw elsewhere (such as at Wololo), just make sure if it's not your idea that you credit the player.

I think this would benefit potential new players immediately, so whoever takes the time to go and write down some orders would be greatly appreciated.

Elite Gaming Channel
1 year ago - 318 likes

Some real talk.

As many of you will have noticed, this YouTube channel really fell off a cliff for two weeks. This happened right in the middle of Road to Red Bull, an awesome event that many of you will have been following exclusively by VOD, and I'm really sorry we let you down without content during this period.

To overshare, the reason for this is that YouTube is one of the very few remaining areas of the EGCTV project that I was doing totally independently. While, as we've grow,n we've been bringing in fantastic people across different parts of production, YouTube hadn't quite gotten to that point yet. And this all meant that when I had a personal emergency that caused me to be unable to upload our VODs, YouTube instantly stopped. This is of course poor management on my end because personal emergencies do happen, and it was an oversight to leave any part of what we do unable to withstand that.

I'm happy to let you know that we've now added a YouTube manager to our team, and you can expect ongoing uploads once again, as well as improvements to the channel going forward. If you have other ideas or spot any new issues during this transition, stick it in the comments below and we'll take a look.

My apologies once again, and much love to you all.


Elite Gaming Channel
2 years ago - 25 likes

If EGC hosted occasional events in other RTS titles (as well as continuing with AOEIV), how would you feel about it?

Elite Gaming Channel
2 years ago - 17 likes

In which of the following ways (if any) would you be most likely to support EGC AOE4 competitive events? Feel free to also comment your thoughts below! Honest answers appreciated :)

Elite Gaming Channel
2 years ago - 8 likes

As our last poll might have been misinterpreted...we'll go again... How would you feel about AOE e-sports organizers taking sponsorship from the GAMBLING sector?