The Unofficial Ambassador of Senegal | Hi! I'm Khady, a 30-something year old multilingual creative that lives in the Netherlands, and is (obviously) from Senegal. I love traveling, photography, creating content and all things related to Senegal.
“I aspire to inspire others by sharing my experiences" - Sharing experiences such as traveling throughout Senegal, learning Wolof, how I take care of my natural hair and more is what I’m all about. I truly believe that we can learn so much from our own experiences and at the same time, there are second-hand lessons we can learn from other people’s experiences. Therefore, why not also learn from my experiences? That’s why I encourage everyone to ask any questions they may have on anything I share.
Senegalese Twisted is where I share my experiences with YOU, creatively. ! Check out my video’s and make sure you don’t miss a thing.
Keep in touch:
Instagram: @SenegaleseTwisted