My name is Cos | Xoticc, and I am apart of cosmos!!! I am a Rocket League freestyler that uploads daily (I try) and I've hit team pinches (almost) a psycho. ground pinches. aztral pinches Kurxir pinches, etc.
My user on Epic Games is: Fiz6 Xoticc
And I upload on Medal sometimes, my peak shot is a double bounce psycho and sub if you'd like
Camera settings:
-Camera shake: off
-FOV: 110.00
-Distance: 170.00
-Height: 80.00
-Angle: -5.00
-Stiffness: 0.85
-Swivel Speed: 4.90
-Transition Speed: 1.40
-Demo Transition Time: 0.35
-Invert Swivel: off