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Alex Solomin

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Personal trainer and nutrition coach, providing you with no-

Alex Solomin
2 hours ago - 16 likes

Let's play a game.
I'm going to tell you the 3 programs that the 3 individuals I had calls with this week told me about and you're going to guess the problem and what the outcome was.
Program 1 - my trainer had me down to 1200 calories per day and wanted me to burn 450 calories from cardio each day on top of my strength training workouts.
Even during our reverse diet, he had me at 1400 calories per day and 250 calories burned from cardio.

Can you guess the problem?

If you said anything along the lines of: too restrictive, not enough food, too much stress on the body, not enough recovery.. you'd be correct!

The outcome?

Pretty easy to guess...

Weight came off. Even more weight came back on.
That's the surface level outcome.
Below the surface.. questioning herself, not knowing if she can lose the weight she wants and keep it off, and lacking confidence heading into the summer.
That's the things we don't see.
Let's play again.
Program 2 - I had to drink shakes for most meals and I was allowed to have one regular meal per day. It worked but I was so hungry all the time, I couldn't sustain it.
Side note - if your program uses the word "allowed," and it's not in the context of "you're allowed to eat whatever you want" .. that's a major red flag.
Anyway, can you guess the problem?
If you said.. too restrictive, not enough food, too many food rules, not enough real food, unnecessary supplementation, too much stress, not enough recovery.. you'd be correct!
The outcome?
The weight came off. Even more weight came back on.
Below the surface was a poor relationship with food, thinking she had a self control problem for not being able to deal with always being hungry, and questioning the example she's setting for her kids.

Let's play one more time and this one is a little different.

Program 3 - I worked with a macro coach who got me results but I was in a deficit for like 3 years and she only ever looked at my macros and my weight and now I'm eating 1400 calories and afraid to eat more.
The problem?

If you said.. too restrictive, not personalized enough, lack of important data like biofeedback, too much stress, not enough recovery, not understanding metabolic adaptation, not understanding homeostasis, lack of a long term plan that's sustainable.. you'd be correct!
The outcome?
Being stuck in a low calorie trap with a down regulated metabolism that needs some healing and a fear of eating more food.
Fortunately, each one of these scenarios is easy to fix.
I think it's important to understand the implications of constantly putting yourself through restrictive protocols.
It sucks to lose weight and gain it all back but it sucks even more to see the psychological toll it takes.

And these examples are just one program for each individual.
Think about what happens when you go through that 5, 10, or dozens of times.

You end up being feeling crazy.
Now, the path to each of those individuals achieving their physical goals will actually include improving their mindset and relationship with food.

They will need to be willing to change their perspective that "less is more" when it comes to nutrition.
One of the things I love so much about our coaching program is the food freedom it creates along with the physical results.
In fact, I'd argue that we create epic physical results BECAUSE of the food freedom we instill in our clients.

You'll notice it in every single testimonial.

Our clients often come to us thinking a few things...
- that nutrition has to be perfect to make progress

- that results are driven by restriction and always eating less

- that you can't live life while making progress because having fun always derails results

And then we rock their worlds with reality.

That all of those assumptions are actually preventing you from getting to where you want to be.

Which typically raises some skepticism.
Like.. really.. you're telling me I can be less perfect, eat more freely, and have more fun while making more progress?

And those that are ready to see the light take the leap and never look back.
We put them through a metabolic priming phase to reduce the stress their body has endured and actually get them feeling better and looking better as a result.
We integrate the plan to fit their lifestyle so they can still have fun while getting leaner.
And we monitor biofeedback and stressors so we always know what's working or what needs to be adjusted.

The outcome?
Finally reaching the body composition that's been eluding them for so long and having the confidence and tools to maintain it for good.

If you want to get out of the restrict and binge cycle, or stop the perfectionist tendencies that are keeping you stuck, and you want to achieve food freedom while getting leaner and looking better naked..
Then I strongly encourage you to hit the link below.

Alex Solomin
2 days ago - 108 likes

I received a message yesterday that reminded me that there's something I haven't discussed in a while.

This particular individual said that she was struggling to lose weight and her coach recently upped her cardio.

She was confused.

Why isn't my body responding when I just added in two additional cardio sessions per week??

Umm because cardio sucks for fat loss.

That's right, I said it.

I actually didn't say it to her.

She already has another coach and one thing I will never ever do is step on toes.

Even if I disagree with the approach.

If you've got a coach and something doesn't feel right.. tell your coach!

If they don't listen.. get a new coach.

Anyway, let's get back to our good friend, cardio.

Cardio has a ton of health benefits (assuming it's used and not abused).

However, it's actually a pretty bad fat loss tool.


Because it's a very manual way to burn calories.

You have to work pretty hard with not much to show for it and it doesn't do you much good after the fact (from a fat loss perspective).

Cardio can improve your mood. Make you feel accomplished. Improve your cardiovascular health. Stamina. Heart health. And plenty more.

However, it doesn't do much in terms of fat loss.

Sure, you burn a bunch of calories for that 30-60 minute or however long session.. but that's about it.

Your body doesn't burn any additional calories post-workout like it does with strength training.

Your body also can accommodate for the manual calorie burn by subconsciously moving less throughout the day.

Your body may also feel hungrier and have more cravings as a result of doing cardio.

But the real kicker is that your metabolism becomes more efficient with calories.

The more cardio you do, the less calories you burn from the same amount of cardio.

So what's the answer? Even more cardio?

That gets old pretty quickly.

Just like with calorie restriction.

What do you do when your body adapts to low calories? Go even lower?

Hopefully you know better since you're following me!

Anyway, we should be looking at ways to prime our metabolisms for sustainable fat loss.

That means fueling and training in a way to support more calories being burned at rest.

Strength training helps.

Eating enough helps (especially protein and fiber).

Drinking enough water helps.

And moving more throughout the day helps.

Cardio can be used as something you simply enjoy doing whether for pleasure (I don't know who you crazy people are) or for the other health benefits.

But let's not act surprised when additional cardio doesn't lead to additional fat loss.

Instead, work smarter, not harder.

Eat enough to support your activity and recovery.

Prioritize strength training and walking.

Use cardio in the amount you enjoy and be sure to monitor your hunger response and overall stress.

Structure your plan in a way that best suits your lifestyle.

Integrate the process to allow for things you enjoy doing like date nights, restaurant meals, social events, alcohol, etc.

And listen to your body to see what makes you feel your best.

We've been able to successfully work through many plateaus in the most efficient way possible.

If you're feeling stuck, you should probably hit the link below.

I'll make sure you're a good fit for our program and if you are, we can get started right away.

Alex Solomin
3 days ago - 83 likes


Iā€™m helping a small group of men and women lose 25+ pounds and keep it off forever.

We're going to prime the metabolism, increase energy levels, and drop body fat permanently while never needing another diet ever again.

Weā€™ll do it WITHOUTā€¦

ā€¦Restrictive diets

ā€¦Spending hours at the gym

ā€¦Cutting out your favorite foods

ā€¦Feeling like youā€™re always starving

Iā€™ll be giving you all of the tools, strategies and support so that you can stay accountable every step of the way and finally see (and feel) the results youā€™ve been searching for.

Would you like to join us?

Click below if you're INTERESTED šŸ‘‡

PS - this is only for you if you're serious about LONG TERM and SUSTAINABLE results. And we're not going to rush the process. So if you want something extreme and restrictive... do not apply.

Alex Solomin
1 week ago - 202 likes

A few simple tips to help you start losing weight ASAP.

Which of these do you do, or which of these are you going to start doing?

Let me know below šŸ‘‡

āž”ļø If you want to work together so you can lose up to 30-50 pounds in the next 3-6 months, click the link below šŸ‘‡

Alex Solomin
1 week ago - 202 likes

What would reaching your weight loss goal mean to you?

Let me know below šŸ‘‡

āž”ļø If you want to work together so you can lose up to 30-50 pounds in the next 3-6 months, click the link below šŸ‘‡

Alex Solomin
2 weeks ago - 115 likes

Whatā€™s standing between you and finally going on vacation feeling 100% comfortable in your own skin?

It can be like the elephant in the room...

We know it's there, but we ignore it, hoping it'll go away on its own.

But these hurdles drain your energy, your resources, and confidence.

And even worse, they reinforce the old stories we tell ourselves about our ability to change.

A client told me that during the pandemic, she got into the habit of having a glass of wine before dinner ā€” every single night (letā€™s call her Sara).

It became given for her. Once she got home from work, out came the wine bottle.

Because Sara was trying to lose weight and get in shape, that wine habit became her elephant in the room.

BUT this isnā€™t even about the wine.

Itā€™s about ANYTHING that helps you ā€œnumb outā€ from the day, like a bowl of ice cream, a couple of hours playing video games, a nighttime TV habit, or doom scrolling on your phone.

At some point those habits were serving you in some way ā€” maybe they provided a temporary comfort, a distraction, or helped you escape stress.

But the fact is, theyā€™re an obstacle between you and your goals.

Do YOU have any ā€œnumbing outā€ habits that arenā€™t serving you any longer?

Pinpointing them is the first step. In my program, we do NOT recommend cutting out every obstacle at the same time.

But if you start by targeting those unhelpful habits one by one, before you know it youā€™ll gain a huge amount of momentum and be THAT much closer to crushing your goals.

AND just acknowledging those ā€œelephantsā€ helps take away their power.

I'm curious what your "elephant in the room" is.

Let me know, I'd love to help. šŸ‘‡

Alex Solomin
2 weeks ago - 265 likes

If you want to simplify weight loss, follow these steps.

āž”ļø Taking on 5 people who want to lose up to 30-50 pounds in the next 3-6 months and get their energy back. Click below to apply šŸ‘‡


Alex Solomin
2 weeks ago - 193 likes

Going to the gym is about more than just building muscle and getting stronger.

Why do you go to the gym? Let me know

āž”ļø If you want to work together so you can lose up to 30-50 pounds in the next 3-6 months, click the link below šŸ‘‡

#gymmotivation #weightlossmotivation #weightlosstips #healthytips #weightlossjourney

Alex Solomin
3 weeks ago - 132 likes

If I'm in a calorie deficit and consistently hitting my macros.. shouldn't I be losing fat?

Great question! This landed in my inbox as I was sitting down for my first cup of coffee this morning with a Reece's Pieces.

I've written and spoken about macros a bunch.

So today let's make it more interesting.

Here are the top 10 reasons why macros may not be working for youā€¦

1. You are ignoring your body for the sake of hitting numbers - the magic is not in 3 arbitrary numbers. It's in finding what's right for your body. So if you're consistently ignoring hunger or satiety signals to live by the numbers..well..the numbers are working you. You're not working the numbers.

2. Macros are creating disordered eating tendencies - if you obsess over how to nail your macros perfectly, to the gram, every single day.. once again, you are being controlled by the numbers. And likely creating an environment of stress that is preventing you from progressing.

3. You're skipping out on life for the sake of being on point - consistency is great.. but does your definition of consistency look a whole lot like perfection? Are you avoiding untrackable foods, meals, or social situations? How sustainable is that? Why can't those things be PART of consistency instead of being considered "off track." Just a thought.

4. You're following numbers that don't make sense for you - most likely, you got some numbers from a coach or calculator that doesn't understand the nuance beyond just age, weight, height, sex, and activity level. If your body isn't responding and you don't feel your best on those numbers.. probably not the right numbers.

5. You're focusing solely on quantity and ignoring quality - your actual food choices make a huge difference. It's not just about the numbers.. it's about what the numbers are made of.

6. Your macros make no sense for the type of training you do and/or lifestyle you live - if you train with higher intensity (aka CrossFit, Orange Theory, Peloton, Strength training) or you have a higher stress lifestyle (aka night shift worker, physically demanding job, chasing around kids all day) your carb requirements will be higher. Nutrition, training, and lifestyle should all compliment each other.

7. You are all or nothing on your macros - usually a result of being too restrictive and eating too little OR trying to be too perfect. If you find yourself over indulging on nights and/or weekends.. this is likely the culprit.

8. You have never actually primed your metabolism to respond to a calorie deficit - let's say you are consistent, and you are enjoying the process, and you are doing everything right.. but still not making progress. Well, ask yourself how long you've been trying to lose fat and eat in a deficit? Likely a very long time. A calorie deficit is a stress and your body doesn't want to live there forever (or even for more than a few months at most). You need to restore homeostasis before your body will respond again.

9. You're not actually as consistent as you think - this one is always a tough pill to swallow. But research does indicate that most people significantly under report their intake. It's usually hidden calories from bites, licks, tastes, grabbing food off your kids plate, etc. I think too many coaches immediately assume this is the answer. It's funny because we rarely have this issue with our clients (amazing what an effective process will do) but it's still worth mentioning.

10. You haven't considered your lifestyle and what you enjoy doing/eating - I saved this one for last because it's so overlooked and under utilized. It makes a massive difference in not just the macro ratios that will suit you the best but it also impacts food choices, the structure of your plan, and what will allow you to be the most consistent with the least amount of mental energy. Less stress, better results.. win-win.

There ya have it!

Look, macros are a single tool in the toolbox.

When we work with clients in our 1:1 coaching program, we do utilize macros as one piece of the puzzle.

We've found that a combination of tracking + flexible days work really well for most.

However, we always know exactly what is working because we prioritize actually listening to what their bodies are responding to. By paying attention to biofeedback markers like hunger, cravings, mood, sleep, stress, energy, digestion, performance, recovery, cycle, etc .. there's no guessing game.

We also ALWAYS make sure that we put their metabolism in a position to respond exactly how we want it to. Which means our clients lose fat more efficiently and on higher calories.

This allows for more fun/freedom and, most importantly, long term sustainability. I don't know who needs to hear this but.. 1200 calories isn't sustainable.

Sustainability is always the name of the game. So when our clients graduate from coaching, they have total confidence and self-reliance to maintain their results and continue making progress on their own (if they so choose).

When you have a plan that works with your lifestyle and schedule.. it makes it easier to sustain. Not to mention it allows you to make progress quicker.

We tie it all together by ensuring that training, nutrition, and lifestyle are all working synergistically. And making sure our clients have the tools for long term success by monitoring their daily stressors and other habits that contribute to fat loss.

This allows us to know when to make adjustments or how to break through any plateaus (which are inevitable).

All of these steps lead to our clients losing an average of 20-50 lbs (some more, some less) and achieving true food freedom because they get to live life while reaching their physical goals.

And if you want to see what achieving similar results looks like for you, apply below and I'll reach out to you.

Alex Solomin
3 weeks ago - 288 likes

Losing weight isn't easy, so it has to be simple.

If it's simple, it gets easier.

Drop a šŸ”„ below if you're doing at least 2 of these šŸ‘‡

āž”ļø Taking on 5 people who want to lose up to 30-50 pounds in the next 3-6 months and get their energy back. Click below to apply šŸ‘‡