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The Spectrum Flipper

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Hi I'm Joe! I'm a Massive Toy Collector and a part time eBay

The Spectrum Flipper
6 hours ago - 3 likes

Sorry for the late update everyone, unfortunately no carboot video again this week Bowlee was cancelled and I didn't fancy getting up in the rain to go to Bolton. Hopefully the weather is better this weekend so I can finally get some more content out for you guys haha.

Have nice evening and fingers crossed our Summer actually turns into Summer 😂

The Spectrum Flipper
1 week ago - 5 likes

Afternoon everyone, unfortunately there will be no carboot video this week because I was at Doncaster Toy Fair on the Sunday so instead you'll be getting a Doncaster Walkaround video for the usual upload on Wednesday.

I just want to say a massive thank you for the support recently it has been amazing and I'm super thankful everyone that has subscribed, liked and showed love for the channel! We are almost at 2000 subscribers which is amazing and I cant thank you lot enough!

Have a nice evening and ill catch you all later! - Joe

The Spectrum Flipper
2 weeks ago - 1 likes

Hello everyone just thought I'd give you an update I've got a toy unboxing video coming out tomorrow, Its a Huge Small Soldiers collection which I recently got a few days ago. A lot them are duplicates so they will going up on my eBay page very soon so if anyone is interested in anything that you see from the video just give me a buzz on here or on Instagram and ill sort you a deal out!

Hope you enjoy it, its something different and something that I rarely do on the channel but as I mentioned a few months ago in the update video this is the sort of content I want to also create for the channel.

Enjoy the rest of your evening and I will speak to you lot later! - Joe

The Spectrum Flipper
2 weeks ago - 6 likes

Sorry for the late update everyone, unfortunately there won't be a carboot video this week I woke with a Migraine on Sunday morning so I decided it was best to stay in bed haha.

Sundays weather is looking promising so hopefully we get a decent day, ill be going to Bolton Toy fair also so expect 2 videos next week to make up for this weeks.

Have a nice evening - Joe

The Spectrum Flipper
4 weeks ago - 0 likes

Hello everyone thought I'd give you an update you'll be getting two videos this week, the normal scheduled carboot video for Wednesday then hopefully depending on my internet you'll get a Manchester Toy Fair walkaround video for Friday!

I will attach one of the premieres to this post so you can see what time it is scheduled for.

Have a nice evening - Joe

The Spectrum Flipper
1 month ago - 10 likes

Out with the old and in with the new!

Hi everyone I thought it was time to have a revamp and introduce a mascot for the Channel, named after my nephew here's "Georgie" the Brachiosaurus!

Nothing is changing content wise but I thought instead of just having pictures of myself on here I'd get some proper branding done so the channel looks a lot more professional, I hope you like it and let me know what you think.

- Joe

The Spectrum Flipper
1 month ago - 7 likes

Hi everyone just to give you an update, unfortunately there won't any video this week.

Obviously as you can tell the weather is absolutely abysmal at moment and most carboots in the area have been called off for both days, Also I've been trying out mid week carboots for the past 2 weeks but they have all been a bit rubbish at the moment for gathering stock so I'm just going to stick with the Sunday carboots only.

Fingers crossed the weather picks up for next week and have a lovely evening!

- Joe

The Spectrum Flipper
1 month ago - 3 likes

Sorry for the late update everyone but Todays video will be uploaded either tomorrow or Friday. Unfortunately I've had a migraine for the past few days so I haven't been able to edit but there is a video on the way so don't worry haha

The Spectrum Flipper
2 months ago - 0 likes

Afternoon everyone, My latest video is already uploaded and ready for the usual time tomorrow I thought I'd give you a sneak peak with the thumbnail and also take the time to let you know that I'll will be starting to go to week day Carboots on Wednesdays starting with tomorrow so fingers crossed I do well so I can get more content out for you lot haha.

Have a nice evening and I'll catch you in the premiere when its up - Joe

The Spectrum Flipper
2 months ago - 1 likes

Afternoon Everyone, my next video should be out for Wednesday the video quality should be a lot better as I've purchased a new camera so hopefully going forward all videos should be at 4K Resolution! With that said obviously with recording in a higher res there maybe a time where videos can be a little late to process on YouTubes side so just bear with me if some videos are a few hours late haha.

Hope you all had a lovely Bank Holiday grabbing some bargains and ill keep you posted on if anything changes - Joe