My name is Minika.
I'm fascinated with the connection between:
General contentment and discovering your passions/dreams in life ------ and the role of money.
At first I thought money is the answer- but I soon realized- nope... you need to have that dream first - for you to get serious about your finances.
Thus - we did everything in our power to never let "the lack of money" be a reason for us to do what we want in life.
I will be sharing ideas, real life experiences and general knowledge to help you create a healthy mindset and effective habits on owning your finances and still live a life that you enjoy to the fullest.
Disclaimer: I'm no financial professional and this channel does not post any financial advice. I am just passionate about personal finance :)
Hope you will find the content helpful.
Minika ***
Registered Counselor - Majored in Psychology.