Hi. I am David Babs Ajibade (best known as dba), CEO of Kingdom Self Business Channel (KSB Channel). KSB Channel is dedicated to encourage and empower people to be the Best in their Domain (place of endowment, gift, talent, passion, and calling) and Dominate the world in it by creating great businesses. We empower entrepreneurs with inspirational and teaching materials to take them from any position they are today to any level of success they want to get to. We will help you to discover "You" that is in you, as well as stir up this You into global success with the best mindset, skillset and toolset. Though, most of the principles we teach are from the Bible, we are non-religious. We believe everyone has a gift that can be nurtured into a great business. We are here to not only help you uncover that gift, but guide and mentor you to successful entrepreneurs. Check us out on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok @KingdomSelfBusiness.