Dr. Willie Jolley has been described simultaneously as a world-class, award-winning motivational speaker, singer, best-selling author and media personality.
Willie has achieved remarkable heights in the speaking industry, having come from humble beginnings as a fired singer, who was replaced by a karaoke machine! He has gone on to be named “One of the Outstanding Five Speakers in the World” by the 175,000 members of Toastmasters International, inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame and achieved the distinction of Certified Speaker Professional by the National Speakers Association.
Many know Willie as the speaker Ford Motor Company called on when they were on the brink of bankruptcy. His work helped Ford reject a government bailout and go on to Billion Dollar profits!
Dr. Willie Jolley has built a reputation of being captivating, compelling and life changing! He delivers memorable nuggets and usable strategies on how every person can live a better life, one day at a time!