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The wrong shoes

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Losing weight while watching the "Gorls" on Youtube

The wrong shoes
1 day ago - 13 likes

2nd hike completed. This isn't a great photo of me (this post hike and I'm super sweaty and tired ) but it's weird of seeing myself in a photo with others and realizing I'm pretty "average sized" these days. In my mind Ill always be the "big girl"

The wrong shoes
1 week ago - 13 likes

Me taking the swamp tour by kayak with my family..: and one stinky dead gator. Lol. I actually saw two live gators too but they didn't do us anything

The wrong shoes
1 week ago - 15 likes

I keep trying new activities that I'd never do 100+ pounds ago . Well today I'm kayaking through a swamp. I'll try to vlog some of it . I know I always say ill vlog and then never post anything but this I'll definitely post because I'm shocked I'm doing this since I can't swim and would normally be too scared to do anything like this

The wrong shoes
1 week ago - 12 likes

So is Amber really trying to lose weight or is it all BS for views at this point

The wrong shoes
1 week ago - 20 likes

Nope I don't believe the semaglutide stopped working . She just needed a new excuse to quit since she can't say it's because of gallstones since she already lied and said her gallstones disappeared.

And no I don't believe Valentine was ever real. But if she was it just proves Amber is still desperate and nuts that she would make plans to move in yet another girl without meeting in person first . That's some crazy shit.

And the spokesperson story also sounded very fake .

The Amberlynn Reid show needs better writers cause her fake scenarios are getting more corny by the day

The wrong shoes
2 weeks ago - 17 likes

Saturday morning walk by the water. This is the part that folks who don't exercise miss out on on- walking is so relaxing and clears my mind. Honestly I should do it more often

The wrong shoes
2 weeks ago - 6 likes

So Amber online pen pal "broke up" with her ? If she even existed I should say

The wrong shoes
2 weeks ago - 10 likes

Me in 2016. Kinda like this "fat" photo

The wrong shoes
2 weeks ago - 20 likes

This group pic was taken at the end of the hike Saturday. Not a cute pic and I look bald even though in reality I had my hair in a bun on the back of my head and my outfit wasn't flattering with my shirt out like that but im saying all that to say even though it's an ugly pic of me it's also a pic im very proud of! I did it ! My first real hike!!! One more thing to scratch off my bucket list ! I plan to take more hikes in the future too. Also - even though it's not a cute pic I got to admit I'm definitely past the stage of anyone seeing me and saying "that's one huge b*tch" lol 😂

The wrong shoes
3 weeks ago - 14 likes

I took my first real hike today with a hiking club . These photos aren't glamorous -it was hot as hell and I was sweating Iike crazy . More photos to come. These photos were at our rest stops