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26K subscribers - no pronouns set

More from this channel (soon)

1 year ago - 9 likes

Hello everyone! Hope you’re doing well!
I decided to upload a new playlist when I hit 15k as a thank you for your support if you’d like to have a certain playlist just comment here which type of songs you wanted or artists.
I also wanted to share a new vlog that I uploaded on my main channel so if you want to watch it just click on the link below
If you subscribe would mean a lot to me
Thank you!
Lots of love <3

Taking myself on a date:

1 year ago - 33 likes

Hello everyone!
First I wanted to thank you for the 14k, it means a lot to me and second I wanted to thank everyone who gave a chance to listen to the content I posted, I'm really happy to have a lot of support and for all the generosity you gave me. I love reading your comments on all the videos, thanking me for the choice of songs, saying that it helps you through bad times in life, that it gives you peace.
It warms my heart every time I get these comments, because then I know I'm on the right track and I have you to show it to.
With this I want to thank you once again and in the future I will try to bring more varied playlists.

Love you <3

1 year ago - 23 likes

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great 2023!
I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be taking some time off to focus more on university and my main channel, which I recently started uploading. I also wanted to let you know about my other channel, where I document my daily life as a university student.
Here is the link to my channel. Feel free to check it out and subscribe.

Neia's diaries:

Love you all <3

1 year ago - 22 likes

Hello everyone, first I want to apologize for not being uploading for so long. As an university student it is kinda hard to keep uploading, but I want to ask if you would like me to create a christmas playlist or other type of playlist.