Jack: Hi! I’m a little kitten and 9 months old! I’m so glad I can be in this channel, and so can Knox! Even though Knox scares me I still love him. And I love ❤️ high places! For me Knox is a GIANT! My birthday is on July 4th, a VERY special day! ( independent day!)
I also like to play with other cats/kittens. Their strays.
Knox: Hello! I’m Knox! (The one with a poofy head) I’m a Golden Doodle and 2 years old. Jack is new to this channel, and I’m so happy that he is here with us! My birthday is on May 16th. I remember when I was a little pup! 🐶 I was SO PUFFY! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Both: Subscribe to this CHANNEL! 🐱🐶🐱🐶❤️
Jack: But we also want you to subscribe to someone else's channel!
Knox: Oh yes! Those little pups! I almost feel like they're my children! But I’m the Uncle… Uncle Knox I am!
Both: Their channel name is TEDDY
AND COCO! (But in lower case)
Knox: We might even appear in one of
their videos!
Jack: Those little pups sure are CRAZY! And ADORBALE.