I have a lot of time on my hands.
This channel is a creative outlet for me to make subliminals based on my interests which are history, literature and Greek myth. I also upload subliminals to improve mindsets and mental health e.g. f*ck being a people pleaser. It might become a place where I upload my other esoteric-new agey-pagany interests but I'm not sure yet.
The overall aim for my subliminals is to improve health and wellbeing and to have genuine self betterment.
If you know of any fascinating historical people who you think would be worthy of a subliminal, please leave a comment under any video and I'll check them out.
Subliminals are something which have improved my mental health A LOT, and I like to help people with shit that has helped me. So here we are. If this is not your thing, please be respectful and click off.
Name is pronounced: care-ist-STEE-na oh-LOCK-lin