We live in a ferocious time in which events follow each other at an increasingly rapid pace. This entails an abundance of information, making it increasingly difficult for people to estimate and find out what is true and false.
The films on this channel therefore aim to provide viewers and listeners with an anchor as a guide in these turbulent times. This anchor has God's Word as a foundation and starting point.
In this way we aim to inform you about:
- Who GOD really is,
- what His purpose is for creation,
- what His plan for creation looks like,
- where we are right now in the outworking of God's plan,
so that the realization of GOD is stimulated and will grow (further).
This rich realization is THE ONLY WAY to maintain insight and overview of what is happening in the world.
And its origin is the only touchstone that actually shines bright light on the big picture: God's Word!