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125 subscribers - no pronouns set

Hey there, Iā€™m Void. Iā€™m an autistic streamer whoā€™s been str

2 weeks ago - 0 likes

Doing some stress testing without anything running (like no OBS or anything else, just COD), and it seems to run "well", so I can get like an hour or so in before running into overheating issues and risking my CPU turning into a pipe B@mb.

During all that, I pub stomped an Arcade MP Lobby and I feel absolutely terrible cause I pub stomped a guy so hard he started to hackusate me, and I feel bad for ruining the guys night. Dude sounds like he just want's to take the weekend off and relax on COD with his buddy, and I ruined his night.

I feel like a major asshole right now tbh.

2 weeks ago - 1 likes

Well shit.

Under risk of breaking my entire laptop because of my CPU trying to overheat (thanks MSI), I might not be able to stream UNTIL I get this external cooler I ordered.

I really really hope my laptop can last up until I can afford at least a decent 3090 PC. I just need to get a way to put money aside for it.

(Repost from Bluesky, for clarification purposes, and for those that may see me online but not streaming)

3 weeks ago - 0 likes

Me thinks I slept in too late.

3 weeks ago - 1 likes

1 - Apologies for the lack of a stream today, Iā€™ve decided to take the day off considering itā€™s been a hell of a weekend, and a hell of a day.

2 - I ran into a cool bunch of people playing Gunfight (I should probably play more of that lmao). I feel bad for the last 2 peeps I played with, because I SHIT YOU NOT, I decided to open up OBS to at least record gameplay, and while I was trying to set it up in the middle of the game, COD BEING COD, FUCKING CRASHES. NO ERROR, JUST DEAD. Iā€™ll go ahead and friend them and see if they accept it so I can apologize for it, if they even believe it. Up to them if they do, I donā€™t care, I canā€™t change the way people think.

3 - that is all.

(PS: project is restarted, reworking script, making finishing touches on HOW exactly I want to do the whole Gmod bit, and finally combing through the hours of stream moments to cherry pick clips.)

4 months ago - 0 likes

Working on the script and slides for the channel intro video.

Iā€™m wanting to do slides for certain parts, since I feel like a more visual and descriptive approach can help with some sections (mainly just introduction of ppl youā€™ll see featured on the channel, like artists, staff, and people part of a thing Iā€™m working on)

I suck at Photoshop tho. Like, REALLY suck. Like ā€œidk wtf Iā€™m doing but Iā€™m just winging itā€ kinda suck.

The script seems to flow nice, but I wasnā€™t 100% with myself and asked a buddy oā€™ pal of mine for his opinion on it, and he says itā€™s good.

I just have a lot of self doubt, and wanna make sure itā€™s actually good, considering this is my first serious video, even if itā€™s just a channel introduction (that I will make a yearly thing btw).

But yeah, happy new years everyone! Iā€™ll be sure to make another community post when I make more progress.

5 months ago - 0 likes

I wanna do something special for a 100 sub thing. Itā€™s not much, pretty generic. But I wanna do a Q&A on stream once I reach 100 subs. They could be kind of everything, from age to my backstory and reasons why I started doing all this.

I wanna try and experiment with editing down streams and subtitling them too. But only after the 100 sub special.

So, just reply with your questions, Iā€™ll pick out whichever ones donā€™t break boundaries and common sense (like, nothing dumb or inappropriate. Thatā€™s all I really ask.)

6 months ago - 0 likes


A few clips I was excited to work on sadly have no mic input due to Steel Series GG toggling the option off on its own again.

They just feel really lack luster without my reaction, so I dunno if Iā€™ll actually use them. And I donā€™t want to record a voice over for them as I donā€™t feel like that would recapture the energy I had in it good enough.

Iā€™m gonna see if I can finally get Shadowplay clips working properly, but I dunno how thatā€™ll go.

6 months ago - 1 likes

I should probably use this thing more, huh?

Currently, itā€™s Clip Dump. That week of the month where I edit clips gathered from the past month, and upload them! (Pretty simple, albeit maybe not original.)

I donā€™t have many again which I do apologize for, but Iā€™m working on another right now.

I should probably schedule these, huh? Ah well.

I should probably make a community post everytime I upload a new clip too.

Ah Iā€™ll just wing it lol.

1 year ago - 0 likes

This guy makes some weird stuff but I love it.

1 year ago - 0 likes

Taking the week off to hang out with my gf for spring break, Iā€™ll be back on the 19th or the 20th