in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
I'm not a CHRISTIAN or any other denomination. I don't knock others who are. I don't belong to a Church or a congregation! And I don't knock those of you who are. I am not perfect either! My actions are with GOOD/PURE intents, and✨GOD is at forefront of those intentions! I love what I do...I DO..not anyone else does! I don't know it all..or claim to. I have not read my bible as much as others and some of scriptures I understand and agree with it, and there are parts I don't understand or agree with. Many books were taken out of the bible, altered, switched, and rewritten. The New and Old testaments, you have to use your intuition, guides and ✨Most High✨himself when understanding it as well. Ask for clarity and understanding! I do a lot! You got to remember it was multiple individuals (before our time)...from hand to hand and so, it's sorta of a tool left for us as well. That's how I look at it. Honestly...My opinion. I refer to it in some of my in point.
Sooo when a obnoxious WANCH🙄 gets down in my comments and say.."You shouldn't be getting tattoos that's prohibited...your body is a temple"...not once but twice...because first..she erased the comment and came back to make it her business to make her point heard, as if I didn't get the first notification bihhh..🙄But if we going verbatim scripture to scripture here..If your motives are to glorify His work in your life (Romans 14:23), the tattoo can be an excellent conversation starter. Just as we are commanded to do all things to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31), we can view the act of tattooing in the same manner. Which goes back to my INTENT, my tattoos signify PURE intention and love for God and the love I have for self and my family! Don't come for me if you don't know the meaning behind it. He is supreme in my life!✨🥳
74 - 21
Grand Rising loves!❤️❤️Day Two of prayer and fasting. It's not as hard as I thought it would be, stay occupied! And when the spirit of temptation creeps in, pray it away!
OAN: I felt what he said..💯…
54 - 4
This mistake or mis hap is that you're still alive and well! Now what happened to the insurance money? Fake death certificate..scam fraud...yeah yall ass in huge trouble!
33 - 1
Heyyyy all my beautiful Gods and Goddesses! I’m Nicole. I am a healer, loving, and empathetic. I do know this was guided spiritually,..helping others. I can receive many different messages through sight and by hearing. There was a strong urge to connect & share my gifts with you! Some may resonate & some my not loves. Please don’t hesitate to SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE to my calling! It helps get the messages out to those who may need them!🌻🌹 💕
I am not a licensed professional. •For entertainment purposes• Always get more ✨insight✨...answer(s) with God & your spiritual team!💋