"I figured out, that to draw a stuff what the human eyes can see is only a matter of good training. But the Art is to bring to the light a stuff, what the human eyes can not to see."
I did not get toward realistic drawing accidentally. As a little boy i watched my mother, when she drawn a portraits of world actors on paper only for a pleasure and they had not been much different from the original photo. I never knew I could do something like that by myself. I just began go to the nursery when I first took a pencil into my hand.
For three hours I sat by the window and had been drawing the branch of a tree, which almost reached inside the room. The result was surprising not only for me, but also for my parents.It was working as if "alone from itself" so I gradually improved myself in drawing techniques until I came to realize that a person never learns anything in this direction and can never say, that he has completely closed this topic ...