in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Still working on my syntax highlighter. It's taken a lot longer than I initially thought due to me finding micro optimizations left and right and having to refactor my code because of those optimizations. For the most part now the only part I have left is just converting multi lined stuff and string interpolation into buffer support then I'm about done. I'll publish a test game with the syntax highlighter later. My goal is to have a spooky syntax highlighter theme but no promises because I've been rather busy lately leaving me little to no time to work on it. Anywho until my next post.
9 - 2
I've decided Im going to release all of my projects all at once. Currently all I need to do is finish the syntax highlighter (I've been super busy lately!!!)
12 - 8
If you haven't already seen, xylex uploaded his video on the bedwars funny so go give it a watch
3 - 6
Hidden Dumper has been rewritten. All versions of Moonsec V3 should work now. (Antitamper, maximum security, ect). The overall speed of it should be faster. Stay safe!
12 - 12
I havent been able to work on a lot of cool projects lately due to a lot of irl stuff so I can't say I'll post anything really cool but I'll see if i can't post something at least half decent/interesting. worst comes to worst it'll just be a lame developer log on my syntax/serializer project (btw yes im rewriting them still!!!)
8 - 2
I may start shifting my content towards a more learning/development formatted vs me just lego haxing. I still have plans to make scripts and code but it'll be more broad in the sense that my content will be targeted for a broader community (also will include python and MAYBE Java/C#). Also yes I am still working on my syntax highlighter. I realized I needed a lualexer so I'm writing one but lately I haven't had time so maybe one day it'll be finished. One last thing I will be fixing hidden dumper soon because I've learned quite a bit about regex sense I originally wrote it.
anywho until my next post.
1 - 3
I just updated Hidden Dumper to now use my new data datatype serializer and a new syntax highlighter (both of which are going to be used in the simple spy rewrite) one thing to note though is the syntax highlighter needs to be rewritten due to it using string interpolation (which i have learned is incredible slow after rewriting my serializer)
anywho stay safe and don't run code unless you know what it does
7 - 17
welp I was just made away moonsec v3 updated so now I gotta figure out how to dump it again so that's fun!
3 - 2
chat I HATE working with modules in studio. you can't recursively loop through modules :( anywho I think I've finally finished working on my datatostring thing so now all I gotta do now is port it over to C functions to incorporate a better generation then just add a better logging system to simple spy then I'm done. My next project is making my own explorer and I might just livestream myself doing that.
12 - 7
I script stuff