I started my journey as a clinician when I was working in a Hospital as a Nurse. While taking care of others, it was immensely satisfying to save someone’s life, and help someone enter or leave this world by birth or death. I believe Nursing taught me great life lessons and made me even stronger in life to deal with any situation.
While dealing with difficult situations right from childhood, where my father was an Autorickshaw driver and my mother was a nurse, we experienced many such situations where we had to think and take necessary actions. Staying with friends, managing expenses, studying, and also learning music was something I learned when I stepped into the real world. I am planning to share some of those experiences, learnings, and life lessons where I had to take tough decisions, and how I managed those situations.
I am planning to create content that will help others manage various situations and help themselves be invincible.
Lots of Love,