Born August 25 2019 as the main project band from Abink (vocalist), Rian (Guitarist), Ditra (Basis), Bimo (Guitarist), and Andy (Drummer).
Starting from Rian's desire to create music, but was hampered by lectures, after graduating from the university, one of Rian's works was given to Andy, who already has a band in Malang, then asked Bimo to work on the material entitled “walk and run”, then Bimo invited Ditra to write the lyrics and play bass, and abink as a vocalist. Ruang kendali is an alternative rock band, inspired by the music of Tittle Fight and Basement.
The reason behind the name Ruang Kendali, derived from Indonesian that means control room, because every human being has his own specific space that only he/she able to control that room, because only that individual acts as the technician in the room, from view, how to solve problems, or even enjoy problems, and certainly be grateful for whatever has happened to that individual.