Full time hubby & daddy part entrepreneur.
"And we will know The Truth & The Truth will set us FREE . The Kingdom of the Heaven is within us. Forgive 'em Creator for they know not what they do." Jesus Christ (pbuh)
Not another channel but a movement. You are here cause you chose to rise & awaken while others fade into the slumber of mediocrity & melancholy.
Here, we transcend boundaries, shedding the illusions of a zombie existence. We sip from the fountain of Pure Abundance, Bliss & Consciousness, living moment-to-moment, plugged directly to The Source—the Creator, the Galactic Center of the Multiverse, where creation Itself SPARKED.
This isn’t just content; it’s a journey. A revolution of the body, mind, heart & spirit.
Welcome to the MOVEMENT!
Your Afghan-American pal,
H.A.J.I. (Helping All Joining In)
MONIÈRE-Ahmad Ishqi-Sufi Noor