三代目 J SOUL BROTHERSのボーカルを務める一方、
同年、全国11都市のアリーナで20万人規模となる自身初のソロツアー「RYUJI IMAICHI LIVE TOUR 2018”LIGHT>DARKNESS”」を開催した。
また、ソロプロジェクトと連動し、今市隆二オリジナルアパレルブランド 「RILY」 を展開している。
Best known as one of the lead singers of Japanese dance and vocal group J SOUL BROTHERS III. He has been also active as a solo singer since January 2018.
Ryuji has collaborated with renowned artists starting Brian Mcknight.
In March 2018, he worked with Daniel Arsham to publish his photo-essay TIMELESS TIME.
His first solo tour RYUJI IMAICHI LIVE TOUR 2018 "LIGHT>DARKNESS" brought in over 200,000 attendees.
He also runs his own fashion brand RILY which is only available at occasional popup stores.