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Lemon Muffin

282 subscribers - no pronouns set


Lemon Muffin
1 month ago - 3 likes

Figured he deserved a sheet

Lemon Muffin
1 month ago - 0 likes

Oh. My. God. so much has happened, lately iv been working on art so i can make the game better, which has been rather successful, i made a new self-sona i named Lumi the sea slug, but that aside. progress is being made, as you can see also theres work on the game aswell

Lemon Muffin
2 months ago - 2 likes

The game has gotten ALOT of progress, so I'm officially starting a update log, this is basically entry 0

The game is titled "Memory Lane." it is a psychological Thriller puzzle game, similar to games such as Omori or TCOAAL, this game strives to convey a interesting story, each chapter contains a unique mechanic, each changing the feel of the game, all entertaining, the girl you see here is your character, you will learn her name later, These are doodles of things in Chapter 0, chapter 0 is like a hub for the game, its where you start and return to between chapters, where you can save, rest, and even sell items. this game has no combat mechanics, at least for now, mainly being puzzles. chapter 0 takes place limbo and is titled.... "Limbo." you find yourself in a specific part of limbo named the forest of Athaza, and you proceed to... that's for you to find out. Chapter 0 is MAPPED out, aka I know how its going to look like and it is functional, but there needs to be art for it to be finished, specific art and revamped dialogue. This game will likely take me years, but I'm not going to make it go by faster by not working on it, if you want more updates join the discord! that's it for this update, HAVE A (Monochrome) DAY!

Lemon Muffin
4 months ago - 7 likes

Ever wanted to wander limbo with a gang of misfits? Stay tuned for a story you're going to DIE for.

Lemon Muffin
4 months ago - 4 likes


Shattered worlds is getting renamed, reason why none of the recent songs say "*Insert name here* OST"

Lemon Muffin
4 months ago - 5 likes

Birthday eve!

Lemon Muffin
4 months ago - 4 likes

In the time iv been gone. I have been learning, listening, and writing. I plan on doing a Q&A stream sometime soon, to mainly catch up, practice art, music and such, mainly talk about the game(s) speaking of which there are 3 games i plan on making, first of which i plan to finish within a couple months, the other two will take waaaay longer. In the stream i also plan on talking about future projects, but as iv been absent for about a month ill give you something to look forward to, in some fashion i plan on making a in depth analysis of the coffin of andy and leyley and to why it is such a masterpiece, and also about nemlei as a writer. Ill touch on the drama and doxxing stuff aswell but the general tone of the video will be lighthearted.

Next; thank you all for the support, recently one of my videos hit 10K views and i am so proud and happy of how far iv gotten in such a short time!

Lastly; This channel isnt going to post consistently anymore, it wasnt really ever intended to, i simply did to grow. Now im going to take a slower pace, and build quality rather than make mediocre content.

I really appreciate everything the support iv gotten is betond value, thank you.

Lemon Muffin
5 months ago - 4 likes

Update: so many things have happened recently, many being eye opening and sort of life changing, I realize that soon ill be... Older, which alone scares me, but it doesnt scare me like before, im not afraid of becoming older anymore im just scared of the uncertainty it holds, that aside. The comic is being worked on again, and its turning into quite a beauty in my opinion, cuz its a kick-ass sci-fi comic, and who doesnt love that? Also when it comes to the game, its on hold, indefinitely, im going to make a couple games before it, simply to get my standing, dip my toes in the waters of game design, the first game is definitely going to be free, the others i dont know, but it will make me better at game design, making it so i dont waste the concepts iv created and the worlds iv written, i just think i need some more experience under my belt, that being said, i cannot believe the year iv had, the sheer amount of love and friendliness iv been shown is astonishing, and im determined to make this year even better!

From the bottom of my heart; THANK YOU!

Lemon Muffin
5 months ago - 5 likes

Iv emailed The Living Tombstone for the rights to make a cover of "Epoch", hopefully they say yes and I can use it as the credits song for the game!

Lemon Muffin
5 months ago - 2 likes

working on my biggest song yet, hope you like orchestra