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Mr Kane

638 subscribers - no pronouns :c

A brazilian kid with a big dream Mr Kane is a streamer, mus

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Mr Kane
Posted 4 months ago

What is up everyone!

The prep for the big change is happening at full speed, there is so much that comes with releasing a new artistic project, specially with the mindset and experience I have now, not gonna lie, it is exciting AF!

My Birthday is happening this Sunday (27), as usual life feels like it turns upside down but this time so much has changed, I see the world burning around me but somehow my reaction to it has been so much more controlled.

My therapist said something around the lines of "You see, a happy life isn't a life with no conflicts, you can't dodge it, life be lifing you know, but a happy life is a life where you can react accordingly to the conflicts".

This year has been all about this, learning how to deal with all the weird and intense stuff that life brings to me, purely by sitting in silence and watching my emotions, noticing what my body does when something happens, I feel like I've grown so much by purely sitting by myself, funny how it works isn't?

We get so used to running away and hiding from the stuff that lies inside of us and it just stays there, the more we try to escape the shit reality we live in, the closer it gets to us.

Anyway, this Sunday we are going to have a song release, it's quite the special one, it's a song called "Never Give up"

It's so ironic isn't? To release a song about not surrendering as I'm about to change everything and leave Mr Kane behind

Not giving up doesn't mean sticking to the same, doing the same thing over and over, repeating the same mistakes expecting a different outcome, it goes much deeper than that, it is a bout falling, trying again, changing the approach, trying and experiencing new things, giving up things, giving a shot to the unknown with your whole heart

The transition has officially started, yesterday I DJ'd for the last time for a while, it's now time to really focus on what I want to chase in this life, the power of the creative flow, live looping & Music production, I'll be streaming this whole journey at my Twitch channel, make sure you follow it before I change the name hehe

After this song this upcoming Sunday, on the 20th of November we are going to have a collab release with Mia Ramer, and after that I'm going to just dump all the finished projects I have sitting in my pc, old trance songs, old lo-fi songs, all the stuff, and then that is it. We will be ready for change.

Expect the new socials, new YT channel, Twitch name change and everything by the beginning of December, I have a big plan set and I'll be sharing more with y'all as time passes

If you feel like supporting me in this major change, also giving me a little birthday gift, you can do it via my Ko-fi

It's like Patreon but a little more connected to Twitch, I would appreciate it :D

And if you want to stay updated about everything, make sure you join my Discord server, that is the best way to follow this big journey we are about to head into

Much love everyone, I'll be travelling far away to chase some big paraglider flights during my birthday, I expect to fly atleast 100km in 3 days, let's see if the weather helps :D

I'm not gonna be here for the exact release day of Never give up, so make sure you comment, share it and show it some love, this song means a lot to me and the journey I've been through the last couple of years

Also, on Tuesday (29) I'll be doing a massive BIRTHDAY stream on Twitch, I would love to celebrate such a day with you guys!

Much much love, may the universe bless all of us <3

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Mr Kane
Posted 4 months ago

Hey guys! I've been pretty distant from social media lately but figured I'd share some thoughts and answer some questions I've been having

A bunch of people have been asking me about releases and I'm gonna tell y'all

We have a song scheduled in for the 27th of this month, the day of my birthday... It is going to be a very inspiring song, but a little ironic when it comes to my plans, will get to that later

And on the 20th of November we will have a release in Collab with my friend Mia Ramer, a beautiful song with organic harp and vocals, one of my fav downtempo tracks I've made!

Now some thoughts about my career perspective

I'm just gonna drop a bomb

I'm going to start everything over

A new channel, new social media, new everything, the only things that will remain the same are my Twitch channel and my discord server, so make sure you follow those so you don't miss any updates about this huge journey we are about to go through

Truth to be told, Mr Kane has been through a lot, this cute little innocent alter ego I created for myself has lost its alignment with me, Natan

It does not mean I'm not gonna make music anymore, the actual opposite

For the past few years I've been hard focusing on DJing and flow arts, and to be honest, I'm missing music production and actually creating

DJing is such a contemplative activity, don't take me wrong it is super fun, but it leaves me feeling a little bored at times, after 8 years doing it, it became too natural and unconscious, I just lay back and DJ while enjoying the music, I can't feel like I'm giving a show or performing like that.

I really enjoyed focusing a lot on it this year, allowing myself to be a little quieter and deal with all the inner demons of a whole lifetime that started to come out, it was a intense process that I tried my best to keep as much as I could to myself

But now things are calming down inside of me, peace is finally shining in the horizon and I've been thinking where do I want to bring my life towards

I don't feel like contemplating life anymore, I feel like creating, acting on the things I want to do, I miss that creative flow of making music all day long, being immersed into what I'm doing

We will go through some massive changes, the biggest one is that I'm going to chase my biggest artistic dream, live looping, which requires me to push my music skills so much further than it actually is right now

This feels like a whole lifetime challenge, and I'm all in for it, a endless journey where you can only get better, with no limits to what you can do, I'm excited for it

I've been having goals up on my stream this whole year to build up this dream setup, and we are so close now I can see this change in the horizon

I'm excited, hopeful, scared, emotional, there is a lot that happens inside of me when I think about not being Mr Kane anymore, but just being me, in my pure form, Natan

I learned a lot about myself this year, I decided to isolate myself and focus purely on myself, very few people were able to be a part of this journey and to those who been around me in this intense process:

Thank you ❤️

We been getting some new subscribers in here, feel very welcome everyone, I stream on twitch 3 times a week, Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, come hang out with me and watch this beautiful journey unfold in front of your eyes

Make sure you join my discord server, there is the best place to follow me and know what is going on in my life

All of this is going to take some time, maybe next year... Maybe the end of this year, I don't know, there's a lot I need to prepare for all of this

But don't worry, I'll be making a video to explain about all of this, it is time for a change, it is time to be myself, it's time to focus on who I am and where I want to go with my life and develop it further

Thank you for being a part of this ❤️🥹

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Mr Kane
Posted 1 year ago

Hey fam, I'm still alive 🌀

It's been 3 months away from the channel and it feels like an eternity

I've been living on a rollercoaster trying to find the new direction I want to take my life towards and things are finally starting to calm down 🙏

I should be finally getting a house in this upcoming week and I can't wait to announce the new direction things are going to go from now on ❤️

Much love, I miss yall and I hope you guys have been well!

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Mr Kane
Posted 2 years ago

Ayo fam! We about to get some good activity going on in here!

on the 9th of this month we have a new song coming out, and towards the end of the month we are going to have a set <3

Starting in February I want to start releasing at least 2 sets a month for y'all, I've been having a ton of fun streaming on Twitch and finding new music, and now its time to make my sets permanent in here! Be ready for a journey <3

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Mr Kane
Posted 2 years ago

Damn, ethnic world is getting close to the 3k views mark

This makes my heart so warm, it is much more than just numbers, it shows me that I should follow my gut when it comes to music and it means the world to me ❤️

Thank you all ❤️

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