I am Dr. Ebony Davenport. I discovered a way for people experiencing daily stress to achieve more happiness, time, and money by implementing fun wellness practices that prevent stress and burnout.
We are creating a Community of Practice (CoP). A CoP is a safe place where members can share their knowledge and receive support, motivation, and inspiration.
Our mission is to achieve personal mastery through self-reflection, healing, education, and lifestyle changes that foster integrity and accountability.
We are a counterculture of wellness for the culture of stress!
Are you managing your stress effectively?
Stress is not an isolated physical emotion, feeling, or symptom; it interferes with our ability to succeed. If we want to feel happier, make more money, achieve work-life balance, improve health and relations, and have more time, we must receive stress education, learn new habits and actions, and practice stress management and wellness with a CoP.