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National Sports Entertainment NSE

1.5K subscribers - no pronouns set

This channel is dedicated to the movement of exploring the n

National Sports Entertainment NSE
3 months ago - 1 likes

Hey guys. I'm happy to report we are officially up 100 units since launching the Patreon on 12-4-23. Many have been showing support which I greatly appreciate. For people that are asking about daily picks and the system I post every day on there with the nightly receipts. If you want to give the system a try here is the link. Happy earnings and positive vibes 📈☮️💵

National Sports Entertainment NSE
3 months ago - 5 likes

The results of this poll might be a little biased considering my subject matter but I'm just doing a little bit of mental research. Overall how do you feel about celebrities. Obviously athletes but celebrities in general

National Sports Entertainment NSE
4 months ago - 13 likes

A Very Long but Important Read on My Promise.

As you guys know for 2 years we have minded our business,built an organic following to 1K(twice,1st channel was Thanos snapped last Christmas) and have been the only ones to guarantee profits with receipts. I bring this up because... I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. After we were growing and got cut off at the knees with the 1st channel I immediately started up again. At the time 4 channels with similar antics had what they believed to be an untouchable channel with every channel such as mine getting buried and fizzling out as they grew.

However with us it was a little different. These channels made the mistake of needlessly disrespecting and underestimating us. After the shutdown it would have been easy to quit and these other ones who had antagonized us bragged about how we were history. Now that we are thru another season I'll show you A. Why these channels saw us as a threat and B. How I am coming thru on my promise to render every one of these unoriginal and stale(at once untouchable) channels obsolete.

I never play the numbers game as far as bragging about viewers, subscribers likes etc and as you know in my almost 500 videos on the channel We have never asked once for a like subscribe or share. I bring this up and the below pictures with context because it's very important to me. Some might call it pettiness I call it standing up for yourself.

Attached again is why these other channels saw us as a threat. You will see I made a vow to flip and make obsolete every one of these channels that went after us for no reason. All who have way more subscribers and didn't have to restart from scratch. In my opinion these channels are egomaniacal narcissists which is why they relentlessly tried every dirty tactic against us. Obviously you probably think of 1 copying asshole these days when it comes to the channels that attacked us because it was so blatant all year.

I am proud to say I came through on that promise which you will see in the first picture. If you rock with any of these channels that's perfectly okay with me I'm just showing the analytics. Just a year ago 3 of them were all getting 40-100k views a video while we climbed from under 100 on videos only to get to our peak and to have to start again. We didn't complain we just continued doing what we do and I said these channels would regret attacking us instead of focusing on whatever they were doing prior.

For perspective we have 1,500 organic subscribers(Thank you to every one of you) and average around 1 view per subscriber. Our better videos doing 2 views per subscriber. For further perspective I referred to 4 channels as you can see. The 3 stooges who only teamed up and gassed each other up while copying and mocking us. As I pointed out the one supposedly switched to Andrew Tate Jr videos and he is such a dying channel he wasn't even worthy of being put in the pictures do to embarrassing low numbers. (DeLeon Cruz)
Pat who was Jake before Jake made videos about us, ranted in our comments etc had 10,000 subscribers and we flipped him so bad he literally quit. Lob0 is the biggest victory because he has 30,000 subscribers and we are essentially neck and neck with him when I claimed we'd flip him many called me crazy given his 30x subscriber advantage yet he's been reduced to shorts which are even still a fraction of his all time high.

This leaves the 1 channel I referred to in the below post 1st picture. The head of the snake. A year ago only I and the ones who genuinely rode with me believed me when I said I would flip them all. 2 we flipped out of the sector (Deleon returned but very poor view rate even with Lob0s help.) We flipped Lob0 unless we are counting shorts and soon we will flip those anyway. Again to think with 1/60th of the subscriber count there's no way we can flip the Nut Job but Jakey tried the same thing these other channels did and I see a similar trend. Views look pretty good but Just like Pats and Lob0s were at the end he's way Down from 20-100k consistently views to 4 digits, 10k on a very hot topic video. Just like the others who fell he remains in stagnation while over the last month alone we have grown tremendously.

The reason I go into detail with my seldom posts about the shill channels who have tried more to ruin our movement than strengthen theirs is context and raw analytics are everything. Also I genuinely don't pay these guys attention so it's vindicating when I do an analytics check up on them once every couple months and see we are flipping them 1 by 1. That being said I am never one to break a promise. I promised we would flip/retire every single one of the 4 channels who went out of their way repeatedly to antagonize and copy us. We have 1 left that I eluded to months ago. Thank you for everyone who stuck with me and we are only getting started.

This may seem like a pissing contest brag but it's simply me bringing ALL context for those who don't understand my bigger picture. Getting people to see the difference between pioneers actually beating Vegas and the handfuls of algorithm riding drama nuts. The fact we essentially have 1 last channel to flip and he's a mental case who is down to an all time low 1 view per 20 subscribers approximately while we are growing typically doing 1 view per subscriber reinforces my belief we will EASILY flip Jake(The most blatant offender) like I promised by the end of year.

It's awfully ironic. These channels all stalked,copied and attacked us all over views and we never asked for anything nor paid them attention so when I just checked to see how we fared in the last few months it was cool to see we are ahead of pace. Again I don't really care that much about numbers and never cared to use it as a measure of success but we have overcame a lot and I just wanted to remind the last crony when I started this channel after the YT overlords cut us off at the knees I made 3 promises. To Beat Vegas(+41.25 Units to all who tailed)✅
To Spread positive vibes(Most awesome community in the sector)✅
And ensure we flipped/retired all 4 channels who actively attacked,copied and stalked us✅✅✅

We came a long way. Again a year ago flipping/exposing etc this last channel with 60+K subscribers would sound crazy but the recent analytics tell the whole story. We had a great year and so much more to come. We will be doing great things such as my interview with Tim Donaghy(Aiming for early summer) and a lot more. I look forward to getting our 4th ✅ and continuing to beat Vegas(1 of the major reasons these channels attacked us to begin with.) Again it's all perfect irony. Since they had no chance of out picking us they had to rely on drama and antics for views and that is when the tide turned and the views these channels so desperately and pathetically yearned for are dropping as ours rise.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this amazing organic movement and I look forward to the rest of the year. We might not get them all but we had a heck of an NFL season and I expect nothing different from what we will see in the NBA. Again I really don't post about the cesspool of miscreants much but when I do I like to provide all details. Again just reminding the last channel he will follow the same sad path as the other 3 and I think he knows based off of the analytics from a year ago to now his time thinking he was untouchable is over. Congratulations on an amazing football year guys, thank you and let's finish the story with that 4th ✅ as we flip(as promised) the last of the 4 who has been nothing but disrespectful to not just me but our audience and even his own. I thought the above link was apropo.

Happy earnings, Positive Vibes and Never Give Up

National Sports Entertainment NSE
4 months ago - 3 likes

Hey guys just a reminder I will be going live around 5:30 for a little pre-game and some game chat. Hope to see you all there

Happy earnings and positive vibes 📈💵☮️

National Sports Entertainment NSE
4 months ago - 5 likes

Guys tomorrow I will be going live around 5:30 EST to talk Scripted Super Bowl between Chiefs and 49ers. I hope to see you there.

Happy earnings and positive vibes 📈☮️💵

National Sports Entertainment NSE
4 months ago - 7 likes

Hey guys I know it's not a lot of notice but I figured we could go live to discuss these games. I thought in between the games would be a good time

There's a small chance we won't be able to do it I'm trying to make time and I think we're good I just wanted to bring that up in the off chance we can't make it.....

National Sports Entertainment NSE
4 months ago - 9 likes

I need you guys to help me. I genuinely haven't made up my mind and we are a think tank so time to ask the audience Regis style

Which Superbowl matchup would be the most obviously scripted one?

National Sports Entertainment NSE
4 months ago - 15 likes

Hey guys, I just tested my equipment and it is working perfectly. If you can make it, around 6:15 we will be going live. It won't be as long as usual but I except it to be fun and informative. Hope to see you all there!

Happy earnings and positive vibes 📈☮️💵

National Sports Entertainment NSE
4 months ago - 6 likes

Hey guys we will be going live in about 30 minutes. I hope to see you there

Happy earnings and positive vibes 📈☮️💵

National Sports Entertainment NSE
5 months ago - 9 likes

Hey guys. Thanks for another fun and positive love stream last week. I figured we'd go live for the NFL playoffs on Saturday. I believe Houston vs Cleveland is the 1st game. What time would you guys like to go live?