🌈My Channel is dedicated to Yeshua Ha'Mashiach & my two beloved children (true miracles from the Almighty God of Jacob ). Without the MOST HIGH , I would not have my two children. That is why HE comes first . If you have children, I implore of you to pray over them constantly. The GOD of Israel has reconciled us back to HIM through his son Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus Christ) It's all about the blood 🩸
Seek Jesus Christ while he may still be found! HE loves you SOOO much. Jesus Christ left his glory in the shamayim and came to Earth as a man, born of a virgin.HE suffered, was crucified, died and was buried. On the third day, the Almighty raised HIM up from the dead, HE ascended into the shamayim, and will come back very soon to judge the living and the dead.🔜💥
And HIS glorious Kingdom will have absolutely no end. Every knee will bend and every tongue will confess that Yeshua is the mashiach (Messiah) to the glory of YAH, God our Father. You can reach me at NormanSalas7@gmail.com ♥️