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Dr. Michael Damian

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Dr. Michael Damian is a clinical psychologist, spiritual tea

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 2 days ago

Contrary to what various mindfulness and eastern teachings proclaim, the self is not a collection of thoughts. The self is an irreducible principle of conscious existence. It is inseparable from the world. It does not dissolve into the world; the psyche and world are two inextricable principles. But the self ultimately rises above the world as the eternal soul, made by God. We cannot do away with it.

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Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 1 week ago

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Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 1 week ago

Recently, I saw that a popular spiritual teacher posted an article full of affirmations for children -- which she thought was wonderful.

The last thing a healthy, happy child would need or want to do is repeat affirmations. And repeating affirmations would be the last thing that would help a struggling child, whose needs are not being met by their parents.

Let's get back to a depth view of human nature, which understands that children, and adults, are not thought machines that just need to be programmed to think positive thoughts.

Our feelings do not come from our thoughts. And trying to changing thoughts does not change feelings. Doesn't work that way.

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Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 1 week ago

Conscious transformation does not come just from examining thoughts and realizing they are false.

It does not come merely from being aware and seeing/believing that awareness is your nature, or "everything."

It comes from a much deeper movement of observing yourself, understanding your psychological dynamics, and immersing in the empathic, relational fields of shared presence that catalyze catharsis and new insight -- over a lifetime.

The "Just be aware" and "Just see that thoughts are not true" approaches are entirely insufficient for transforming suffering and developing real wisdom.

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Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 1 week ago

Debunking contemporary nonduality

To tell yourself that everything is merely relative, that the mind is illusion and life an incomprehensible "happening" in which the individual view is meaningless, is the psychological equivalent of shooting heroin. Yes of course, when you believe this represents the ultimate truth and explains everything -- and sets you free from the burden of being human -- you can certainly feel very free and peaceful, even blissful -- because you unknowingly compartmentalize your psyche into the part that is just "illusion" versus the new part of you that supposedly has the ultimate truth and is a "Nobody" while also being very special and more enlightened than others.

But you do not attain a higher consciousness with such formulas -- you ingest a false consciousness that inflates you, fragments you, and numbs you at the same time.

The contemporary expression of so-called nonduality posits a kind of nihilistic monism --- in claiming that Reality is one "whole" thing, and the apparent individual human or soul or being, does not exist in any real way, and this "whole" is meaningless.

Yet ironically, "you" are somehow going to realize that you don't exist --- only "It" or "This" exists and now that you realize it, you supposedly know what "the Truth" is and whatsoever you say or do is somehow from the pure fountain of Truth ---- and it doesn't matter what you say because it's all "just words" anyway.

First, to claim words don't mean anything is a truth claim -- which has to be somehow shown to be true. If words don't mean anything in particular then why use them? It is self-contradictory.

So the nondualists are in a position of claiming that Reality is exactly how you say they say it --- meaningless, incomprehensible, etc -- and the mind is useless illusion . . . . but they don't have to rationally explain that or prove that to be case --- it is just a "seeing."

Well I have a "seeing" that they are full of it and that contemporary nonduality is a cultish mind virus.
. . .

The Phony Sense of Non-Separation

When we realize our essential consciousness, there is a natural peace and feeling of being at-home in the world but this does not mean that we perceive physical objects as if we are identical them. We do not perceive our physical surrounds as if we are indistinguishable from them. Yet this is what many nondualists claim living in "non separation" means.

Despite their claims, the feeling or sense of "not being separate" is a dubious achievement. They pretend that not identifying with a rigid self-image or no longer believing that "I am my thoughts" is somehow a profound mystical discovery. It is not.

If you are feeling at peace and content, then you will not feel particularly "separate" when sitting in a cafe or laying on the beach. Yet today's nondualists pretend as though they exist in a mystical sense of being "no one" and therefore blissfully at one with all things.

The truth is that genuine self-realization does not change our basic perception and relations with the physical world. Being conscious does not mean losing our individuality or objective relationship with the world. We still know our body from other bodies. We know our human consciousness as distinct from animals, even if, as we all know, animals are also conscious.

Nondualists do not live in a rarified state of perception they claim. They just live in the self-created illusion that their interpretative framework, aka nonduality, constitutes some kind of ultimate truth and achievement, which it does not.

Any fairly conscious person will experience life with a normal sense of pleasure, contentment, connection, and love with others. Any reasonably healthy person has the intuition that we all belong to the same world and reality, even if they do not cling to a single, obstruse philosophy called nondualism. And that is what what makes normality and grounded spirituality a far more workable basis for self-realization than contemporary nonduality.

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Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 1 week ago

The "Limiting Beliefs" Thing

Our unconsciousness does not consist merely in a variety of false beliefs that we hold about ourselves. It is rather that we do not sufficiently understand our inner dynamics and personality.

We have not worked out our thinking process, and how it relates to feeling, nor the contrast between sensing and intuiting. We do not know which impulses or ideas to trust in ourselves, and on what basis to act. We do not understand the archetypal forces in us and how to carry them.

A disempowered and unconscious person is not just someone who thinks, "I am not capable of doing XYZ" or "I don't deserve a great relationship." It is someone who does not know the objective psyche and does not know how to work with their inner world.

If it were simply that we held some false beliefs, it might be a simple matter of dispelling them. Instead it is that we are under a spell of a certain self-ignorance, where naivete and arrogance are mixed together, where passivity and rash actions compete for dominance, and in which we do not grasp our real strengths and weaknesses, and therefore do not know how to put our relationships and outer life in order.

We therefore need to gain psychological insight and a paradigm for self-actualization. Empowerment means far more than working to rid oneself of irrational beliefs. It means making the psyche conscious where it was unconscious.

That starts with developing a language for thinking about the psyche -- using concepts which illuminate our dynamics.

When we begin using these concepts as a framework for insight, then there is conscious illumination and the work of dispelling illusions proceeds easily.

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Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 1 week ago

Much of spirituality is an attempt to establish the Feeling function and/or the Intuitive function as the sole basis for living -- and quite often, the Feminine principle, as opposed to the Masculine, as the supreme value for living. It cannot be done. Wisdom means the wholeness of consciousness.

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Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 1 week ago

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Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 1 week ago

Just a fool -
She's like the wind.
Just a fool -
She's like the wind.

Have you realized yet, that the archetypes are going to (mostly) have their way with you? That they are going to make us into fools, especially if we think we're so clever and beyond it all?

That we come out of the eternal and archetypal world according to divine design, and that no amount of postmodern intellectual gymnastics is going to liberate us from old "gender norms" or traditional notions of beauty and ugliness, right and wrong, sanity and insanity?

These norms, standards, and notions were not, in fact, created out of thin air, or for the sake of some people controlling others. It just doesn't matter what we were told by our clever professors about how men, or the patriarchy, constructed our society -- for that is a vacuous narrative with no substance to it whatsoever.

Society or the world comes from the psyche. The outer and the inner reflect each other, and society is rooted in our biological and psychological ground.

This is the ground that informs our instinctive sense of truth, goodness and beauty, as well common sense and foolishness -- which no one may circumvent or declare null and void, except at their own peril.

Ultimately the postmodern scheme is an effort to liberate us from our bio-psycho-spiritual ground, to declare that we can make ourselves whatever we want. It leads only to lovelessness, arrogance, and misery.

But when you have fallen in love with someone - then what? Where does the postmodern drivel go then? It goes out the window. But that's only if the intellectual posturing and brainwashing hasn't already destroyed the ability to love in you.

For it turns women and men into twisted, heady creatures full of pseudo-wisdom and incapable of the warm unthinking flow of instinct and love.

Ideas and theories, unless rooted in the spirit, are loveless abstractions that seduce the mind into a false sense of power and wisdom.

Stay away from postmodern, anti-human dogmas of deconstruction and liberation. They only uproot us from tradition and create a disintegrated vision of life, filled with illusory oppressions.

Stay in the soft body and soul where love really is. Then you partake of the eternal archetypal world in a way that is more conscious and empowered.


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Dr. Michael Damian
Posted 1 month ago

The myth that daycare doesn't harm babies and children needs to end. Most of what's online is propaganda.

I know people who were profoundly hurt and harmed by the early neglect and abandonment caused by being put in daycare -- sometimes as soon as at 6 weeks. That is child abuse.

"Mothers are being trained today to close their eyes to their babies' pain." - Dr. Erica Komisar, author of Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters


Viewer comments

"I worked in a daycare/preschool before I got married. I had always planned to be a SAHM, but working there solidified it. It was soooo sad. Babies in swings almost all day unless they were being fed/changed.

Kids missing their parents. Kids there for 12 hours a day. They were the first dropped off and the last picked up."


"Iā€™m a grown man, but I remember being in day care before school and after school. Dropped off first, picked up last from very early on pre-school all the way till high school. It sucked, I resented it a lot and brewed in negative emotion. To this day I feel emotional and mental strain daily and have struggled to form a productive life. Trying my best but I had to do some deep internal work to heal and now barely starting to form a decent career but I do lot on my own."

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