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AmericanSpyFox is a hobby music journalist who tells detaile

2 months ago - 293 likes

The camera in this box contains photos of the Cobain Family's Death Report. The real one.

2 months ago - 391 likes

Nearly 30 years, and it looks like 2Pac will finally see some justice. Maybe we'll find out the same people did Biggie, too. This should give justice4kurt supporters some hope, as well. All along, people said Puff Daddy did it while critics laughed at the conspiracy. Gee, could it also be true that Courtney did it?

3 months ago - 49 likes

Check it out! Richard Lee back at it for the 30th:
Max Wallace filled me in on a lot of the Broomfield BBC Doc drama. Seems as though Lee wants people to know some details about it. Certain people really went out of their way to make Lee look bad. Sounds familiar.

3 months ago - 136 likes

Head's up. The last 35 minutes of the Max Wallace interview will be uploaded to (BTW, new sites take weeks to show up on Google)
tonight. For whatever reason I can not recall, I never posted it to Youtube. I'll also be adding an audio podcast with Author, John Potash (Drugs As Weapons Against Us). I warn you, it gets weird, and I don't agree with everything Potash had to say about Tupac & Cobain, especially with all the recent developments, but he does have a vast knowledge of CIA experiments on the public, as well as, anecdotes of his relationship to Courtney Love's Father.

Subscribe to theamericanspyfox email list by scrolling all the way to the bottom & you'll be notified when things like this are added to the site. You'll also find several past videos separated by category & linked to Youtube, but all future videos will be uploaded through Vimeo including a complete remake of the Nirvana Series, and you'll be able to watch them for free, directly on the site. As well, all future videos will go to Patreon first, then the site & Youtube.

I'm remaking the entire Nirvana Series for several reasons: minor mistakes that need to be corrected, better editing skills, better audio quality, things I know now that I did not know then that can be added to improve the quality of information. We're talking about 15+ hours of content, so it'll happen one episode at a time; a definitive version, if you will. And yes, there is more. Part 2 of the last one, plus, a documentary of my trip to Washington that'll come out in April.

Over the years, people have asked me if I would make this 5 year long thing into a DVD boxset that they could purchase for their own collections. I'm not opposed to that idea. I'd be willing to do that for those who wish to have it, but first I want to make sure it is the best that it can possibly be coming from a guy in a garage. I'm lucky to be best friends with a civil attorney who understands trademark & copyright laws which is why I knew I did nothing wrong recently when my channel was being so heavily chastised by a group of bitter & bored keyboard warriors. It comes down to one question; did this thing exist or did you create it? If it is something that already existed and you take it & sell it, as so many unlicensed companies do online with band merch and such, then it's not only immoral, but illegal. If it is something that would not exist unless you put time into creating it, then it is yours, regardless of the subject matter. It doesn't seem to bother anyone when they purchase an illegally made Nirvana T-shirt from Amazon coming from China or some other country with relaxed copyright laws. Nor, does it bother anyone if a trust-fund kid uses his Daddy's money & connections to make a movie or write a book. But for some odd reason, when an independent person of no means creates something people enjoy it's not considered the same or given the same treatment. What I would say to those so bothered by the thought of an independent content creator actually being compensated for their work is, don't buy it. Simply, watch it for free, or you could just go f**k yourselves, LMAO!
BAM! Gotchya again!

3 months ago - 20 likes


3 months ago - 177 likes

Read our newest article, The Life & Career of Christopher Cornell here:
And let us know what you think by signing up to the email list.
A complete remake of the Nirvana Series is in the works for Patreon & the website. Pictures & copies will also be released soon in relation to the Cobain mystery. Certain things will not be shown or discussed on YouTube. I just got monetization back after they spanked me & put me in the corner.

2 years ago - 720 likes

March 27, 1994. Nine days before Kurt Cobain's passing he posted this message to fans on AOL at the insistence of an executive who wished for Kurt to embrace this new form of communication. I believe it was his first and last time on the internet, although, I may be wrong about that. At least read the last paragraph. It speaks volumes.

2 years ago - 311 likes

Wow, just noticed that there's an engraving of a bird on the shotgun used to murder Kurt Cobain. Can't believe I missed that. I've never said that this gun couldn't kill someone at point blank range. That would be a naïve statement. I'm just arguing that Kurt told his friend, Dylan Carlson, he was looking for protection and it makes more sense that it was purchased for this reason. You know, the reason he said he wanted it.

2 years ago - 488 likes

Check out what Steven Johnson from London sent me! A vintage NME newspaper from March 1994. Definitely found some good information in this.

2 years ago - 684 likes

"Maybe being offended and not understanding go hand in hand." -Krist Novoselic (1993)