This you tube channel "EduPublic" is created for people who have intent or need of jobs and searching jobs for themselves whether they are searching private jobs or government jobs, we help them with latest job ads which are published in famous daily Newspapers like daily Jung, daily Nawaiwaqt, daily Express, Dawn News, The News, The Nation etc and we also have those latest jobs which is announced online at different companies websites ppsc, fpsc , kpsc, spsc,bpsc, nts, pts, army jobs , health jobs, new latest jobs , new jobs info, daily jobs from all over Pakistan.
We try to update our Channel daily basis as soon as possible. People can visit us daily for new and more suitable job opportunities.
It is created for the uplift of knowledge and helping the students learn online . we hope our efforts will be beneficial .
Please Subscribe for new jobs , updates and informations thank you .
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