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🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷

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🔮 Hello beautiful humans! Thank you for letting me read for

🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
4 weeks ago - 933 likes

Hello, beautiful humans! 💛

I’ve been meaning to record an FAQ/Get To Know Me type of video for a loooooong time. Life happened and…well, that just didn’t happen—Spirit had other plans for me. But I believe now IS the time!

So, I wanted to open up the floor to you all to ask whatever questions you might have for me on my spiritual/life journey.

I’m thinking about doing this live (this intimidates me as I’m VERY shy lol), but wanted to see if there was any interest in that. I figure it may make the experience feel more intimate and will allow people to chat and ask things in real time.

What do you all think? 💭

Also, enjoy the photos of me (and dear loved ones/soul fam) through the years. You all are getting a peep at baby Taylor. Truly, you have been blessed. 😂

A small snippet about those last two shots of me as a child: I was ALWAYS glued to my grandpa’s side as a child, so finding one without him is pretty much impossible. He was a Scorpio Sun and I’m a Scorpio Moon, so I felt instantaneously safe in his presence, and that never stopped. He’s currently a Guide on the other side for me. So, there’s a little something about me there for you!

Oh, and a new pick a card will be up tomorrow! I hope y’all enjoy it and that it brings you a little love, peace and maybe some laughs on your journey. 🥰

I’m sending you all so much love!

🪷 Lotus/Taylor 🪷

🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
2 months ago - 147 likes

Hello beautiful humans! 💛

‪@thecrystalgirl‬ is a fantastic human and tarot reader that I’ve followed for the better part of three years, and was part of why I got into tarot myself. She is currently in need of help: whether that is prayer/good vibes, linking and watching the video, or (if you can) donating to her so she can move into a safe, stable home.

Anything you all can do to help her at this moment will be greatly appreciated, welcomed and used to help this soul. Just watching and liking or commenting on the video can expand its reach and greatly impact her.

Thank you in advance for your support! I’m sending you all so much love and gratitude.

All my love,
🪷 Lotus/Taylor 🪷

🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
2 months ago - 433 likes

Channel update time:

I’m taking a short break for my physical and mental health. I will be back with more readings soon. But I need time just for me. I’m sending you all lots of love until we meet again in the next video. 💛

Also, I am strengthening my energetic boundaries. After careful consideration, and meditation, I’ve decided that for the foreseeable future I will be turning off comments. At least until sometime next month when the energy is less…intense in the collective.

This Aries Mercury Retrograde has been no joke and, unfortunately, there are some REALLY triggered low vibe energies coming into my comment section (and many others, I’m sure). I’m so sorry for all those who have been feeling this acutely, too. On both ends.

I understand that this “lashing out” comes from pain. But I must protect my energy and peace at this point. I encourage you all to do the same! Seriously, please protect your sacred peace and energy.


I do my best not to focus on these; but I’m human and also transmuting a ton of shadow for myself and the collective. It can become overwhelming sometimes. And that’s when it’s time to step back and recalibrate before you burn out entirely, you know?

So, check your temper. Check your impatience. Check your triggers, reactions and ego. Is what you’re saying to someone helpful in anyway? Or are you hurting people because you’re in pain?

Be honest. Move slowly. Now is a time to check your impulses. Try literal emotional temp checks on yourself; mood tracking is SO vital right now—speaking from experience!

And vice versa is important: do you need to stand up for yourself? Do you need to reassess your boundaries? Bar access to those who do not deserve your energy. Your energy is a privilege—not a given. Remember that.

Take care of yourselves and know I’m sending you lots of warm hugs and healing light in the meantime! 💛

🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
3 months ago - 62 likes

Howdy, beautiful humans! 💛

I just wanted to share my best friend’s masterpiece over on the ‪@TheSheepishGoat‬ channel. You all may be familiar with him as he was the artist I worked with on the soul family reading collaboration on my channel! He’s an incredible artist and creative powerhouse.

I know many of you all are also fellow artists and just thought it might be nice to share his work with you. I admire anyone who bravely follows their heart and creates for the collective. He literally did EVERYTHING on this project: voice acting, scripting, drawings, editing, sound and rigging.

If you all check him out be sure to give him a like and subscribe to show support for a fellow creative spirit. He will likely be very “sheepish” about me creating this post, but this human is absolutely amazing and one of the kindest, most supportive people in my life. It only makes sense to pay that back in kind. 💕

I’m sending you all so much love; and am here to remind you all to remember you are creative enough, smart enough and good enough to do ANYTHING you desire. I support you, as does the Universe. 💫

All my love and gratitude,
🪷 Lotus (aka Taylor) 🪷

🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
3 months ago - 427 likes

Happy Sunday, beautiful humans!

Today is a super special day for this beautiful little baby channel: it's its solar return! One full year around the sun getting to create and do the thing I love most: read for you all.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here; for supporting me; for trusting me to deliver guidance and wisdom from the Divine and your own Higher Selves. We've co-created a truly magical community here and I couldn't be doing what I do without all of your continued love and energy. You all are just as much a part of the success here as me, and I want you to know I am forever grateful for your presence.

Thank you for laughing with me (or at me because I'm such a dork lol); for crying with me and sharing the incredibly powerful and vulnerable stories you have; for just giving me space to hold you and also returning that kindness to me and my neurodivergence. You all blow me away with how much you've evolved this past year. Seriously, I am a proud of you: for the perseverance that you've had through your journey; for the tenacity through the silent battles; for the dauntless way you take action toward your highest timeline.

You all are bada$$! Truly.

I am in constant awe of you: from your stories in the comment section, to the energy I pick up on in the readings--it's truly inspiring. And, more than that, it is helping me grow and evolve too! You are my sages and teachers. You guide me more than you'll ever know. Thank you for existing as you, loves.

I am sending you lots of love and healing and tearful hugs.

All my love,
🪷 Lotus 🪷 (aka Taylor)

🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
4 months ago - 118 likes

Howdy, beautiful humans! 💛

Exciting news: my personal/private readings are open!

These spots are limited; so please make sure that you email me @ if you're interested in a spot. Payment is due in full once you've confirmed your spot with me. A calendar will be sent out with when I will have your reading to you (it's a first come/first served basis).

Please read through these slides I've posted as the information is there!

Sending you all lots of love this week! I hope you all are enjoying this full moon energy we're still feeling after it made its beautiful presence known in the sky this weekend. 🌝 

Infinite gratitude to you all for your continued love and support!
🪷 Lotus/Taylor 🪷

🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
7 months ago - 401 likes

Hello, beautiful humans! 💛

After a much needed vacation and break from recording, I've got a very long (each pile is about an hour and a half, so the grand total is seven and a half hours on this one--wowzers, hehe), loving and in-depth reading coming your way tomorrow (11/16). This one was highly requested, and I was feeling the whole "life partner/marriage" vibes with our Libra in Venus movement astrologically. I hope you all enjoy it and find the messages meant for you!

I'm sending you all lots of love! Thank you for all the support, encouragement and kindness you've sent my way recently. It means the world to me. 💛

All my love and gratitude,
🪷 Lotus (aka Taylor) 🪷

🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
7 months ago - 316 likes

🍁 Hello beautiful humans! 🍁

I just wanted to pop in and bring some light to you after my latest post on shadow work. I feel that it is imperative to balance the scales (hello Libra 1st house and INFJ, hehe), especially with the status of our planet.

We are at an all time high within our division as a globe; fear permeates our bodies and environment. The poison of hate is laced with the words we choose to toss blindly at each other through our phone screens. It's easier than ever to connect, yet it seems the opposite is true, too: there's a wedge here--one that detaches us from one another more and more.

But it doesn't have to. We can be different. All the light is still here, amplified even brighter by constant shadows.

And you all prove that each and every day with things as simple as:

Engaging with and leaving beautiful, kind and thoughtful comments on my readings, and the readings of other tarot reader's channels. Being brave enough to cultivate growth and evolution via self-development tools like tarot readings. Lending compassion to yourself on your journey so that you can extend that to those around you, which I've seen firsthand in the thousands of comments you all leave.

There's more, of course. There's the way you choose to show up in your workplace. There's the way you choose to trust the Universe, even when the world says not to. There's the choice to look for the good in those around you--the unity, as opposed to the divide. The way you all take accountability and responsibility for your solo journey this lifetime.

I am here to say to you: I am grateful for this work I feel, hear and see you doing. I may not know any of you personally, but I tap into your energy quite a bit, and I can feel your shifts--your ascension--and I am so proud of you. For the silent battles; for the micro movements toward change, and the massive leaps, too. You're seen here; you're noticed, felt and appreciated.

I know that I have made a couple of posts regarding the shadows lingering in my comment section, but it pales in comparison to the light blasting through them. And that is ALL thanks to you. You have impacted my life profoundly and are helping me on my journey as much as you feel I may be helping you.

Every time I read for you all I feel that exchange of energy between us catapult me toward my life purpose. I feel your warmth--your support and love. I am inspired by the journeys I read about in your comments (thank you for your consistent, vulnerable sharing) and feel in each pile. I feel humbled, honored and blessed to get to see you all unfold and bloom. 

You're making a difference right now, loves. Please know that, no matter how small you feel the ripples you're creating are, they're growing and reaching thousands upon thousands each time you choose to act from that space of unity and love. Thank you for deciding to go against the grain--more often than not. I am forever grateful for you.

All my love and infinite gratitude,
🪷 Lotus (aka Taylor) 🪷

🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
7 months ago - 304 likes

Alright, so I'm working toward responding to all of the beautiful comments I've received in the last couple of days, but I'll be frank with you: I am going through a lot right now in my personal life. Much like all of you, I'm sure.

If you're not someone that keeps up with astrology shifts (which is totally okay!), then you may not really know why people are lashing out right now on a small scale. Little things seem to be culminating into unexpected storms in people you've trusted. It may make you question yourself: "Am I the problem?"

No. There's a triple Scorpio energy happening between the Sun, Mercury and Mars, plus Moon in Cancer and Venus opposing Neptune.

All of that to say: people are being faced with their shadow. Feelings they've repressed are raging to the surface without warning, and if they don't know how to channel that...well, that's when it erupts onto those around them.

The two screenshots I highlighted are a couple of "tame" angry responses I've gotten recently. There have been others, but I am just keeping it to these two to outline the point: taking accountability when you're activated or triggered by a reading.

If you know you're in a highly activated state, that's a sign to disengage. Pause, breathe…step away, and then come back if you feel called to. Or don’t. That’s valid! I don’t blame anyone for needing to leave a reading (or my channel) for good because they’re incredibly activated.

I will give myself grace, too, though. I try very hard to always place a trigger warning for sensitive content. I don’t ever want to take someone off guard with something traumatic they’ve been through. I am also mindful of staying compassionate and kind while I deliver unbiased, objective truth via my readings.

This is often paid back in kind—so many of you are beyond supportive and loving, and please know you’re heard, seen and valued, too! But there are other, louder and angrier voices that spew hatred across my comment section, and have justified it as their “right” to “speak their truth.”

I know that this comes with the territory of doing what I do. But please remember that on the other side of the screen you're watching is a human being, not a robot that churns out continuous content specifically for you.

These are general readings. They're for the collective. They're not personal. They're not cherry picked or sugar coated. They're raw and unscripted. They’re sincere interpretations of the energy I'm picking up. If it's something that upsets you, that's an invitation to sit with that and go within to find out why.

Consider this: people are question marks; they're not answers.

What I mean by that is: your trigger belongs to you, and when someone activates it it’s because it lives within you and is being reflected back. It’s an invitation to go deep and embrace your shadow. What’s being repressed? What’s being shamed? What wound has festered?

I choose to see my activated state as my responsibility alone, and I find that is a way to reclaim my power.

In fact, the amount of times I've come up against my own triggers after posting my readings is astronomical at this point. I imagine this is likely the case with many tarot readers, being that they’re sensitive too. Choosing to share their gifts anyway is a beautiful way to overcome this and learn to not be overwhelmed by one’s triggers.

And for those that encounter their shadow in readings: it’s not easy to sit with but, if you can endure it, it can become your greatest strength and power. It all depends on you, though. And to those that choose to perpetuate their trauma instead? Well, I send love and support to you, too.

But, dang. I’m exhausted with transmuting and with hearing:

People tear me down for my laugh. This one happens A LOT, and actually happened on THIS post when I initially shared. I’ve since deleted it, and blocked that human, because I’m not playing around: when I say I have zero tolerance for this stuff, I mean it. You want to be a bully? Take aim, and make it count, because as soon as I read that nonsense it’s gone and so is your privilege to comment on my channel.

People tell me I should just quit because I can't even read tarot. I've had people tell me I'm too serious, and others that I don't take it seriously enough. That I'm selfish and make it about me. That I should stop honoring my creativity. Also, that I don't have any creativity. That I'm not empathetic enough. That I'm too empathetic or sensitive. That I know nothing about trauma and abuse; just straight up invalidating all of the abuse I survived as a kid, teen and adult.

And on and on and on...

All of this, I realize, is projection and people lashing out because they heard something that triggered them in my readings. And, unfortunately, instead of looking at that as a question for themselves, they decided that they needed to find anything they could to weaponize against me (and all other tarot readers sharing their gifts). This behavior, while uncomfortable to read day in and day out, does help me and I'm grateful because it's helping guide me through my own triggers. 

But even I get tired of being people's glorified punching bag.

I'm not engaging with comments like these. I'm not listening to someone climb into my comment section with some unwarranted (and unfounded) diagnoses on my attachment style. I’m done with unsolicited advice on how to read tarot. Or how to “build more empathy” from people who are literally showing zero in their comment they’ve decided is necessary. Or how to cultivate more "relatable" readings.

I can usually simply block and delete without much thought on these low vibe comments, but I'm simply at my threshold. I am working through some of my own shadow right now, and processing childhood trauma, so seeing an influx in misguided hate (there are dozens of comments like this, or worse, each day) is just…grating me right now. I can be very kind and loving, but I have my max capacity for BS, and I've officially met it.

All of this to say that all these water signs lighting up the sky aren’t just inviting you toward your shadow work: they’re demanding it.

I love you all, and hope you're all managing your way through the darkness.


🪷 Lotus Tile Tarot 🪷
8 months ago - 263 likes

Happy Sunday, beautiful humans!

I hope you all are doing well and harnessing all of this incredible energy from the eclipse yesterday, the New Moon and the 10/10 portal last week. I am sending you all my love and healing energy at this time especially.

Tomorrow morning (10/16), I have a little treat coming your way in the form of another collaborative reading. This one is going to be alongside‪@DivineFeminineEnergy‬, who is a breath of fresh air and was one of the first few tarot readers I watched before I started my own tarot channel. If you already follow her, you know just how intuitive, kind and loving her energy and readings are, and if you've yet to watch her--you're in for a sweet treat! 🍭

We will be looking at Divine Feminine energy in its totality: both light and dark. Most of us know that we have dual energies (feminine/receptive vs masculine/proactive), but within each of those energies we also have two sides. Both are imperative; both are equal--neither is meant to be in shadow or stuck in shame. Both your light and dark feminine energies need each other for complete balance. 

Lynn and I thought it would be fitting for us to explore these two halves and hopefully bring you closer to that equilibrium within your Divine Femininity. ☯️ We look forward to sharing these messages with you, and hope you enjoy them!

All my love and gratitude,
🪷 Lotus (aka Taylor) 🪷