in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
My music channel. In addition to writing songs, I am also a graduate engineer in geology, an incomplete law student, or rather a perpetual student, because a person must learn all his life. I hope you will like my songs.
Subscribe my music channel.
Предупреждение! Тексты песен защищены авторским правом. Любое злоупотребление преследуется по закону.
Upozorenje! Tektovi pesama su zaštićeni autorskim pravom. Svaka zlupotreba istih ili remiksovanje mojih pesama i postavljanje na youtube podleže sudskom postupku, tj. Tužbi. (Eto mora ovako zbog nekih majmuna).
Warning! The lyrics of the songs are protected by copyright. Any misuse, remixing and singing and uploading to youtube is subject to a claim for damages and reporting.
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