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Put your hands IndieAir!

1 month ago - 281 likes

On this day 10 years ago, I uploaded the first song to IndieAir. Little did I know it would lead to more than just a fun hobby and turn into such an exciting and fulfilling part of my life. Music is a huge passion of mine and being able to share that with an audience who enjoys and appreciates music the same way I do fills me with so much gratitude and joy. Over the past 10 years we've shared almost 500 songs, amassed half a billion views, and gained over 1.45 million subscribers. None of this would have been possible without the support of all of you. I often read the comments on my videos and feel so much joy over the community that we created of people from all over the world that can share in the feeling of hearing a song that you love for the first time. I hope over the next 10 years to continue to bring that same experience to you all. Again, I am so thankful to each and every one of you for helping to shape IndieAir into what it is today and for the incredible musicians that allow me to do what I love most. Here's to the past ten wonderful years, and to many more ahead!

Also I wanted to give a special shoutout to my brother Alex. None of this would have been possible without you. Thank you for paving this path for me 🖤

3 years ago - 332 likes

Hey guys! Big update on my channel layout coming very soon.. Just wanted to let you know so you could be on the lookout for the new look, because it's still me :D

5 years ago - 1.6K likes

Hey guys thank you so much for all your support with everything and all the feedback regarding lyric videos! The results were pretty close, but ultimately it was in favor of keeping the same format. However, I thought I'd start putting lyrics on screen but with the captions (CC). So if you'd like to see lyrics on screen make sure to click "CC" in bottom right of the video player for lyrics!

5 years ago - 495 likes

Channel Update:

WE DID IT!!! This channel has been remonetized/saved! Thank you all so much for your willingness to help in any way possible and all your amazing comments. It was a scary time to be without my only source of income for almost two months, but it's all back to normal now. I read every single one of your comments, and they absolutely blew me away. They do on every single video too. You guys are the reason I'll never stop uploading on this channel as long as YouTube lets me. Also as I look for a job in my field, this is pretty much my full time project. So look for potentially new changes (please vote in the poll), and more uploads! Love you all!

- Mark

5 years ago - 2.6K likes

Hey everyone, you may have noticed it's been about a month now since I've uploaded anything. I've missed you all so much, but there are a couple reasons for the absence, and I wanted to bring you up to speed on both.

The first reason is my entire channel was recently demonitized without any warning or merit. I didn't know how permanent of a decision this would be, so I didn't want to say anything until it became more real. Well here we are a month later, and I've still been left without my only source of income. Because of that I've just been more hesitant to post, and it's been a very stressful time. I may make a petition or something soon to hopefully get YouTube's attention, and any support with that would mean the world to me.

The second reason is that your boy just graduated college! I've been super busy trying to make sure I do graduate this month, and it's just been hectic. But I'm officially done, and now ready for the real world (I think). Regardless of the situation at hand with monetization, I'll be having more time to post as I look for a job in my field. I don't want to say that the future of this channel is exactly up "IndieAir" right now, but I guess I am thinking of my different options during this scary transitional period in my life. All I ask is that you stick with me through this. I love you all 🖤

(And to end on a happy note, I do have a great song on queue for tomorrow!)

- Mark

5 years ago - 2K likes

1,000,000!!!! 🎉
Yesterday we hit that magic number that's always been a goal of mine since day one, and I never truly thought it would come to fruition, so I'm truly in shock. From the bottom of my heart thank you for listening to this channel! Whether it's at work, at school, getting ready, or whenever you listen, thank you for making IndieAir a part of your day, it really means the world to me. Here's to the next 1m. love you guys 🖤

6 years ago - 450 likes

Hi I made an instagram finally! i have some really cool ideas for content that's not on the channel so be sure to check it out

6 years ago - 824 likes

hi guys! what kind of genre would you like to see more of?