Chanel rules/fun facts about me!
•Don’t be rude to me/others on my Chanel
•you can cuss but I’d like it not all the time
•No hate or y’all be reported or blocked
•if you ask something like a question I’d rather it not be personal like were I live for example
•you must be respectful
Fun facts about me:
• I’m 12
•by b day is oct 4th
•most sad videos I post are true stories
•I’m a Libra
•I’m Aro
•I have 12 friends
•most y/n ocs are real people
• I’m an OutKast
•my grad tells people that I make out with my •friends in the bathroom (fake news L)
•I’m a middle schooler
• grade: 6th
• I’m German,and American