At New Life Fellowship our mission is: To Know Jesus and to Know who Everyone is in Him, as the Father’s Adopted Children who Understand, Embrace, Enjoy and Freely Share this Good News with the World, in the Spirit’s Multiplying Grace! - beginning with Windsor Mill, MD.
We are a congregation of Grace Communion International. We are a diverse group of people who embrace the Good News that, in Jesus, all of humanity is included in the life of the Triune God – Father, Son and Spirit! Ephesians 1: 3-6! Each week we proclaim in word, deed and fellowship, that the Father has Adopted humanity as his children, through his Son Jesus, in the relational power and communion of His Holy Spirit.
At New Life Fellowship we believe that everyone, including YOU, has been reconciled to God in Jesus Christ! This means you already have a relationship with God, in and through Jesus, and that God the Trinity Loves you, Likes you and has fulfilled His plan for you to be His Adopted child forever.