Cathedral Vision
A Christ-Centred Cathedral, Impacting Generations.
Cathedral Mission Statement
To transform people through the Word of God, equipping disciples for holistic ministry.
Core Values
Godliness: Committed to authority of God’s word that is anchored in Prayer. 1 Timothy 6:11
Evangelism & Discipleship: Committed to authority of God’s word that is anchored in Prayer. 1 Timothy 6:11
Fellowship: Committed to authority of God’s word that is anchored in Prayer. 1 Timothy 6:11
Excellence: We strive for high Standards in the Ministry and services. Philippians 4:81
Creativity & Innovation: We stir up gifting and talents that improve Ministry holistically. 2 Timothy 1:6
Servant-hood: We lead by serving. Mark 10:45
Integrity: Committed to personal and corporate honesty and transparency. Proverbs 10:9