Hello and hi ! I’m a gachatuber named korokomie here are some informations about me and my content.
-English is not my first language: please correct me if I have any errors grammatically or just any errors in general.
-I like to make tutorials/ideas video or trend/meme that could be trending in the gacha community
-Even tho I’d like to stay out of drama and such things please do not refrain to telling me if anyone copy my videos or steal.
-I am a determinated, creative and positive gachatuber
Supporting would be really kind. I love to respond and read you’re comments ! But on the opposite if you do write a hate comment I will in fact delete your comment. If you are going to continue I’ll block you.
I go by she/her if you were wondering.
Thank for reading my bio and have a good day ! XOXO