CEO :- Tejas Nanaware
This video is contain about animals pet animals like Bull,ox, buffalo ,cow, about the farmers and their cultures. I live with animals both domesticated and wild with plants . There is always something new to see and learn.
About ox/khillar
A bull is intact that is adult male of the species Bos Taurus. тЩЙЁЯРВ More muscular and aggressive than the female of the same species the cow Bull have long been an important symbol in many cultures and play a significant role in beef ranching, dairy farming and a variety of other culture activities including bullfighting and Bull riding
About me ЁЯШК
My self Tejas Nanaware (engineer), from Maharashtra Satara village 'bavdhan'
Link of my you tube
My Instagram id:I'm on Instagram as @tejas_nanaware121. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.тАж