Kevin Knight's math channel. We either scale the heights of mathematical discovery, or we descend into madness!
I once read a book about a regular person, by which I mean they didn't own a surfboard or know how to surf. Yet they gave themselves a goal: within one year, they would get barreled. (That's when a giant wave breaks above your head, and you shoot gracefully through a rolling tube of water. Also known as getting pitted, slotted, tubed, or kegged.) This regular person was what surfers call a kook ... and kooks don't get barreled. They get slammed and concussed. Anyway, I really respected that author for setting such an awesome goal.
This is not a channel about surfing. It's about math. A couple of years ago, I was a math kook. I never took calculus or number theory in college. I liked computers, but math was always a weak spot for me. So ... being a kook, I naturally decided to tackle one of the most notorious unsolved problems in mathematics!