Welcome to a Puerto Rican planespotter's channel!
I began this channel back in 2012 when I noticed a lack of airplane spotting videos in Puerto Rico and decided to start making videos myself. Beginning with iPhone videos and later buying my first camcorder, my videos began getting views and gaining some popularity. As time went by and I developed my skills in recording and editing, the channel's popularity also increased and continues to increase 'till this day.
This channel is focused purely on aviation-related content for both the civilian and military world. While the channel initially focused on plane spotting content in Puerto Rico, I now focus on sharing videos of plane spotting at other locations, providing the viewers a unique perspective of the beauty of aviation through my lenses.
Sony HDR-CX405
Panasonic HC-WXF1
Panasonic HC-X1500
For business inquiries, please contact me through my business email or Facebook page.