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Welcome to my YouTube channel! My name is Babyjosus aka BJ

2 days ago - 7 likes

Hey everyone!

The next video be later than I had in mind. I was in the middle of recording when the season has changed and a new patch has changed the deck that I was working on. Because of it, I have to go back to the drawing board. Will see what I end up doing now.

Thank you for your patience and hope to see you soon again!



2 weeks ago - 3 likes

Hey everyone!

My apologies for the radio silence in the last week. I was occupied with some things regarding my private life. This week I should be able to upload a new video though. I will be able to record Gwent the upcoming days, and I will be playing my new Skellige deck that requires a certain setup for a powerful wombo combo.

Hope to showcase you this ultimate meme dream very soon!



1 month ago - 7 likes

Hey everyone!

First things first, thank you all for supporting my channel over the last few weeks since I got back from my holiday. It's been a blast to be playing Gwent again and coming up with new deck ideas for you all to see. And with that said, I came up with a unique idea for another video.

I have always been fond of the interaction between Vilgefortz: Renegade and Imperial Practitioner. But, I have only been seeing it played with Tibor Eggebracht and I figured that has to change. So, I have been brainstorming about the idea and the only thing that made sense to me is: Constructs.

Because what if I could spawn more Constructs in the deck? Then it means that they become more powerful by every Construct that I can play right? And so I started tinkering with the idea and I am now slowly putting the pieces together.

Can't wait to show you all what I came up with somewhere next week!



1 month ago - 9 likes

Hey everyone!

Monsters has been crowned the winner of my poll with 44% of all the votes. It surely was a close call with Nilfgaard, so I will have to do something for that faction as well pretty soon. Perhaps another episode for my ''Ode To Repelmer'' series?

For Monsters I decided to built a deck around Spontaneous Evolution. You can expect a bunch of Insectoids, Beasts and Ogroids working together. Can't wait to show you what I came up with later this week!



1 month ago - 3 likes

Hey everyone!

Just like I have done before, I want to give you all a right to vote on which faction I should play for my next video. Please choose between the three options I put down below!



1 month ago - 8 likes

Hey everyone!

Currently I am playing and recording Gwent for my next video. And while I am not going to reveal which deck I will be playing for my next video, I can promise that you have never seen the two cards paired in this deck before.

When I saw the potential of the deck I was mind blown that nobody has done it sooner. The only small detail that I will reveal is that it contains a card that was hated so much by the Balance Council, that it was nerfed to the stage that it was even at one point unplayable.

You got it yet? No? Then I can't wait to show you what I came up with very soon!



1 month ago - 4 likes

Hey everyone!

Thank you all for subscribing in the last month, I appreciate it a lot and it gives me tons of energy to continue working on videos for my channel.

Unfortunately I have been busy for my study alongside working fulltime at my job in the last few weeks or so. Thats why I didn't had much time to play and record Gwent.

This week it looks like I have more free time on my hands, therefore you can expect me to upload again pretty soon!

Hope to see you then and I am grateful for the support.



1 month ago - 4 likes

Hey everyone!

This week I got back from my 3 week holiday. That means that I will be able to play and record Gwent again. With the most recent Balance Council I have already picked up a new deck to play and which I plan to showcase for the next video on my YouTube channel.

Hopefully I can publish it in the following week! Happy Gwenting until then!



2 months ago - 5 likes

Hey everyone!

Just a heads up. I am planning on releasing one more video this month and it should release within the next few days. The reason that there won't be more uploads this month is because I am not able to play and record Gwent due to going on holiday for 3 weeks. After that I will continue to making video's.

I hope to see you all soon and thank you for your patience throughout my absence.



3 months ago - 3 likes

Hey everyone!

Just to inform you all. The next video will take a bit longer than I expected. The last few days I have been trying to record some matches and I stumbled upon a bug with the card Kraken. I made a Reddit post and a few other players also have experienced this bug. I still plan to make a video on the deck, because I also play the card Ragh Nar Roog which I never played before until the last balance council where the card Kraken got buffed to 5 power.

Thank you for your patience and hope to see each other pretty soon! Here is a link to the Reddit thread for anyone interested:
