MĂ©tissage Sangue Misto is a Web Magazine, an online community, and a Mentoring project, which deals with the stories, culture, and education of mixed-race, bi and multi-racial, and multi-identity people, in a completely new perspective, jerked from that ancient legacy that still needs see us as ambiguous, inconstant and contradictory mestizos, without roots or cultural heritage, and constantly in an identity crisis. Through our stories, our life experiences, and an amazing journey you can share with us, you will discover a world of new shades.
MĂ©tissage Sangue Misto aims to be a space dedicated to the deep search of ourselves through discovery, the experience of "mixed living" and being a bridge between two (or more) cultures. A space in which we can acquire awareness and overcome those uncertainties and beliefs that often lead us to a distorted vision of ourselves and of the world in which we live.