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The aim of this channel is to refute the Wahabi/Sunni propag

Shia Defence
2 years ago - 19 likes

Renowned Deodandi scholar Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandhlawi in his book "Zaeef or Mawdhoo Riwayat" page 59 provides a list of those narrations that should be rejected, including:

11) those narrations that damage the ijmaa of the Sahaba such as "after me Ali will be the Wali and Khalifa"!


What can one say about such an approach? Rather than accept the authenticity of a narration, he deems it better to simply deny it, as such hadith, quite naturally, raise questions over how Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman became heads of state over Imam Ali (as). As for such narrations Ahmad ibn Hanbal records the narration as follows:
Abdul Razaq and Affan narrated from Ja'far ibn Sulayman from Yazid Al-Rashk from Motref ibn Abdullah from Imran ibn Hussain who said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) had sent an army with Alee ibn Abi Talib as their commander to Yemen and he did something in that mission. Affan said: 'Then four companions of the Messenger of Allah decided and agreed to report it to the Messenger of Allah (saw).' Imraan said: When we came back we met the Messenger of Allah (saw) and saluted him. He said: One of those companions stood up and said: O Messenger of Allah (saw), Ali (ra) did such and such, the Prophet (saw) turned his face from him, then the second one stood up and said: O Messenger of Allah (saw), Ali did such and such, the Messenger of Allah turned his face from him, then the third one stood up and said: O Messenger of Allah (saw), Ali did such and such, the Messenger of Allah (saw) turned his face from him too, then the fourth one stood up and said: O Messenger of Allah (saw), Ali did such and such, the Messenger of Allah turned to them and said: "Leave Ali alone he is from me and I am from him and he is Wali (Guardian) of every believer after me."

Footnote: Ahmad Muhammad Shakir comments on this Hadeeth and says: 'The chain of this hadeeth is Saheeh (Authentic), and Yazid Al-Rashq is ibn Abi Yazid and he is Thiqa (Trustworthy) among all scholars as said before. This hadeeth is narrated by Al-Tirmidhi too in the chapter of Fazail-e-Alee (merits of Alee) and says: It is Hasan Gharib and not known other than hadeeth of Ja'far ibn Sulayman, and Al-Hakim says it is Sahih (Authentic) on the conditions of Muslim and Al-Dhahabi comfirms it.

(Sunni Source: Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal. Volume 15, pages 78-79).

#Ghadir #Ghadeer
Source: Shiapen facebook

Shia Defence
3 years ago - 18 likes

Glad tidings of Imam Musa ibn Jafar (as) to #Shias durig time of #Occultation:

Sheikh #Saduq (r) in his book Kamal al Din narrates from Yunus bin Abdur Rahman saying he entered upon Musa bin Jafar (as) and said O son of Messenger of Allah (saw): Are you the #Qaim bil Haq? Imam (as) responded yes but the Qaim that cleanses the land from enemies of Allah (swt) just as it is filled with oppression and affliction, he is the fifth of my descendants. For him there is a long occultation and fear for his life. Some groups will apostate and some will stay firm. Blessings for our Shias who hold on to our rope during occultation and are firm upon love for us and hatred/disassociation for our enemies. They are from us and we are from them. They are gratified that we are their Imam and we are gratified that they are our Shias. So blessings upon them, blessings upon them and they by Allah in hereafter they are with us in our rank.
Kamal al Din wa Tamam al Ni’ma, vol2, p338.

Shia Defence
3 years ago - 12 likes

A Wahabi historian/scholar by the name of Uthman bin Abdullah bin Bishr mentions in his book Unwan Al Majd Fi Tarikh Najd that:

"This deen (wahabism) that Allah has graced people of Najd with in the end times after...." He expands in the footnote that "...However this (deen) is new to people of Najd as they were misguided worshipping trees and stones before the rising of Ibn Abdul Wahab for tawhid..." then he goes on to calling Najdis prior to ibn abdul wahab as idol worshippers and mushrikin just like the jahiliya people.

This is view of hardcore Wahabis on Muslims in the "land of Tawheed", Imagine what labels and what type of treatment other Muslims received  from these shayateen. Don't forget these are the same people that say how can Sahaba apostate, how can Shia be true if Sunnis are majority, Islam and the Prophet ص failed according to Shia narrative, the Mahdi ع hasn't guided Shias for 1200 years, Shias have a different Prophet, Shiasm is a new religion safavid invention... Yet they believe all Muslims were mushrikin and idol worshippers for over thousand years untill Allah blessed them with their prophet Ibn Abdul Wahab l.a to make people Muslims again after over 1000 years.

Shia Defence
3 years ago - 12 likes

Best Deed In This World

Zubayd bin Harith Al Yami was a famous Tab'iee who was known for his piety and Truthfullness.

Imam Abu Nu'aim Isfahani has narrated via his own chain from Yahya bin Kathir Azareer who said:

"Once I saw Zubayd bin Harith in my dream. I asked him: How are you back there (after his death). He answered: Under the Mercy of Allah (swt). I further asked him: Which of the deeds did you find best? He answered: Daily Prayer and Love for Ali ibn Talib (a.s)."

📖 Sunni Ref : Hawlyat ul Awliyah - Abu Nu'aim Isfahani // Vol 5 // Page 31 // Under the name Zubayd bin Harith Al Yami // Edn. Dar Ahya Turath Al Arabiyyah Beriut.

Shia Defence
3 years ago - 16 likes

Sunni & ghulu (exaggeration) about IbnTaymiyyah

“If we(Sunni) were not informed about the seal of the Prophethood then we would have said indeed Ibn Taymiyyah is a Prophet".

Abdul-Aziz Ibn Mohammad Al-Sud'han:

The following statement was presented to the people of knowledge in which they showed great denial; “If we were not informed about the seal of the Prophethood then we would have said indeed Ibn Taymiyyah is a Prophet". This statement was presented to Sheikh Bin Bazz. He smiled and said "There is evidence for this!"Then he (Bin Bazz) mentioned the Hadith of Umar "If there was a Prophet after me it would be Umar".

Sunni source: Al-Imam Ibn Baz,Page 33

Note: Ibn Taymiyyah was sentenced to prison for his beliefs which was tajsim that God has body)

Sunni Source:Al-Mokhtasar Fi Akhbar Al-Bashar ,Volume 4,page 52

Furthermore some Sunni scholars didn't even consider Ibn Taymiyyah to be upon any of the 73 sects in Islam. Meaning he wasnt even Muslim!

Shia Defence
3 years ago - 17 likes

According to Bin Bazz's Fatwa Umar bin khattab is a disbeliever:

"Anyone who does not accept the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah صلي الله علیه واله وسلم and claims that the book of Allah is sufficient for us, and only the book of Allah should be cited, he is a disbeliever and has become an apostate, because he has denied Allah and his Messenger صلي الله عليه واله وسلم."
Source: Majma'ul Fatawa Bin bazz,Volume 9,page 176

Note: We read in sahih Al-Bukhari, hadith 7366:
Umar bin khattab prevented Prophet Muhammad صلي الله علیه واله وسلم from writing his Will. Umar said: we have the Qur'an, so Allah's Book is sufficient for us!

Shia Defence
3 years ago - 13 likes

Sheikh Saduq narrates from Ibrahim al Karakhi saying he asked Imam Sadiq a.s: A man (claims) to have seen Allah in his dream, the imam replied he has no deen as Allah can not be seen whether in dream or awake, neither in this world or the hereafter.

Shia Defence
3 years ago - 11 likes

Sheikh Tusi in Misbah al-Mutahajjad narrates from imam Hasan Al Askari a.s that signs of believers are five, fifty one rakaats of (daily) prayer, ziyarat of #Arbaeen, wearing ring on the right hand, prostrating on the ground, and reciting Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim loudly (in prayer).

Shia Defence
3 years ago - 7 likes