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joeapril 17th

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joeapril 17th
4 weeks ago - 2 likes

Please, sign this petition if you can. TF2 has been facing a bot crisis of unprecedented scale for the past 4 or so years, and it's made the game completely unplayable. Aimbotters everywhere, bots that automatically disconnect/boot you if you call them out, doxxing, death threats. The whole shabang.

It takes like 5 seconds, and it would mean the world to the community.

Do it, get Valve's attention!!

joeapril 17th
7 months ago - 451 likes

The Yellow Rabbit

joeapril 17th
8 months ago - 69 likes

Used to work at Freddy's, back in the 90s, long after the place shut down.

I had the night shift. Security, making sure no homeless people or crackheads break in. Easy enough. I was filling in for some guy before me. He was sick, or something, I don't remember. I was desperate.

The gig was sketchy. The guy who hired me was even sketchier. His whole demeanor. His fake friendliness. The type of guy you would never approach in public. He felt like a creep, especially so since this was a job at a kids place. I've tried to look him up in databases for the past few years. Nothing. I've paid out the ass to the best background checkers there are, and still. Nothing. It's like he never existed.

This place never should've saw the light of day. It should've been demolished the second it closed its doors, period. The whole building was falling apart, rotted beyond repair. Lights barely worked, cobwebs everywhere, you could shine a flashlight and all you would see is the dust floating in the air. The air was stale. The place stunk. Sickeningly so. Like cat piss and copper.

But I needed the money.

Scariest experience of my entire life. Something about this place was otherworldly. Demonic? I don't know. The type of fear that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Pure dread, I can't put it into words. Maybe it was just my mind fucking with me. I've never been one to believe in the paranormal. I have no clue. These pictures are the best shot I got. The animatronics were programmed to walk around at night. But they just weren't acting right. Not like robots.

I try to not think about it much anymore, but there's still sometimes where I'll wake up in a cold sweat, and see those fucking pinprick eyes staring back at me, with the distorted sobs of children echoing in my nightmare.

Fazbear Entertainment is evil. They're trying to capitalize off this. VR games, horror attractions. "Rumors", that kids went missing in the 80s. It's vile.

I still don't know what I saw. I can't explain it. I've questioned that for 30 years.

The master tapes from those nights are still in my possession. These stills are all that I'm willing to show.

joeapril 17th
10 months ago - 26 likes

wow i guess i have a community tab now cool