Hi, my name is Christine. These offerings are a gift from my heart, to yours, to the One. You can also find many of my yoga nidra and meditation recordings ad-free on Insight Timer ➡️ insighttimer.com/moonrose
“Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.” ~Rumi
“All around you, in every moment, The world is offering a feast for your senses. Songs are playing, Tasty food is on the table, Fragrances are in the air, Colors fill the eyes with light. You who long for union, Attend this banquet with loving focus. The outer and inner worlds Open to each other. Oneness of vision, oneness of heart. Right here, in the midst of it all, Mount that elation, ascend with it, Become identical With the ecstatic essence Embracing both worlds.”
(From the Radiance Sutras)