Hello Everyone,
Welcome to Chem Explore chemistry channel.
This channel is going to cover fundamental organic/ inorganic/ physical chemistry knowledges to qualify competitive exams like NTA-CSIR-NET, IIT-GATE, IIT-JAM, DRDO, Assistant Professor, PSUs, BARC, TIFR, B.Sc., M.Sc.
My name is Mr. Suman Bhowmick (UGC-SRF PhD Scholar || Alumni of IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur).
CSIR-NET & UGC (JRF) AIR- 35, 58, 76, 117 || GATE (AIR-70) || IIT-JAM || BARC || ONGC || More than nine international publications (Nature Comm., JACS, Org. Letter, Chem. Eur. J and more).
Subscribe the channel to motivate me to make more videos for you.
SB Sir
Instagram: @sb_chemexplore
Email ID: chemexploresbsir@gmail.com (Any business inquiries)
#science #chemistry #chemexplore #organic #organicchemistry #inorganicchemistry #physicalchemistry #csirnetchemicalscience #csirnet #gatechemistry #iitjam #chemistryjobs #chemistrytricks #chemistryonlinelecture #trending #trendingvideo #set #jee #neet #barc #ongc