in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Just needed to take some time to myself so I can process things happening in my personal life. Releases will resume soon.
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CAVING IN 🔸 PREMONITIONS (Official Music Video)
Thank you so much to CAVING IN for asking me to do this, and to SHADYNASTY's for giving us an amazing space to film!!
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Multi-Genre • Recording live music from the Gulf Coast, focusing on the DIY/underground music scene in Pensacola, FL, and neighboring areas in Northwest Florida.
In December 2022, Jondus850 was relaunched as an LGBTQ-friendly, multi-genre channel for live music.
Sometimes the work will lean towards a rhythmic, visual abstraction. Sometimes I take breaks releasing videos to tweak things.
If you would like to hire Jondus850 to record your band's live set, please don't hesitate to contact me! Willing to travel.
Thank you for all the support!!
PLEASE ASK FIRST, if you wish to use any footage in your own documentary film projects.