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Apostle Jonathan Byrd

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd is the founder of Kingdom Center Rockf

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 2 weeks ago

Day 1: Kingdom Citizens Make History
Scripture Reference
"A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men." ā€” Proverbs 18:16 (NKJV)
In life, we often find ourselves in unfamiliar placesā€”situations that stretch us beyond our comfort zones. These moments are not accidental. They are divinely orchestrated steps that lead us into our destiny. As Kingdom citizens, we are called to embrace the unfamiliar because it is in these very places that God reveals our purpose and the greatness He has stored within us.
Just as Saul's journey of chasing donkeys led him to his kingship, your path through the unfamiliar is part of God's greater plan for you. Donā€™t shrink back from the new, uncomfortable, or unknown. Instead, step forward in faith, knowing that your gift will make room for you, bringing you into places of influence and purpose. The unfamiliar places are often where God shapes us, stretches us, and leads us into our high place, where we make history.
Remember, your calling as a Kingdom citizen goes beyond your salvation. You are meant to walk in authority and impact the world around you. Embrace the unfamiliar with confidence, knowing that God has equipped you with everything you need for the journey ahead.
šŸ—£ļøPrayer Focus/Declaration
ā€œFather, I thank You for the gift You have placed within me. I declare today that I am embracing the unfamiliar places You lead me into, knowing that they are shaping me for greater things. I step into my high place and embrace the destiny You have prepared for me. My gift will make room for me and bring me before great people. I will walk in faith, knowing that You are guiding me into Your perfect will. In Jesus' name, amen.ā€

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 1 month ago

Embracing The Unfamiliar Places Part 4 Day 2 Devotional

Scripture Reading
"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
ā€” Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)

As parents, we are given the powerful responsibility to plant the Word of God into the hearts of our children. The Bible teaches us that the Word is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. It has the power to change lives, pierce through hard hearts, and bring transformation. Though it may seem at times like no one is listening, God calls us to plant the seed of His Word faithfully.

The role of the sower is to sow. Jesus taught that a sower went out to sow, and the same applies to us. Our job is to plant the Word, whether itā€™s in a simple conversation, a bedtime story, or a moment of correction. The Word of God is alive and powerful, and it doesnā€™t stop working once itā€™s planted. It may take years for that seed to bear fruit, but Godā€™s promise is clear: His Word will not return empty.

Parents, you are without excuse. Keep planting, keep sowing, and trust that God will send someone along the journeyā€”an evangelist, a friend, or even another believerā€”to water the seeds youā€™ve sown. In His time, God will give the increase. You may not see it today or tomorrow, but trust that His Word will accomplish the purpose for which it was sent. Keep sowing in faith.

šŸ—£ļøPrayer Declaration
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the power of Your Word. Help me to be faithful in planting it in the hearts of my children and those around me. I declare that every seed of Your Word will take root, grow, and bear fruit in its due season. Even when I donā€™t see immediate results, I choose to trust in Your promise that Your Word will not return void. I speak life, faith, and hope over every seed sown, and I believe that You will bring the increase in Your perfect time. In Jesusā€™ name, amen.

#KingdomCenterRockford #rockfordil #illinois #kingdommindset #kingdomcitizen #apostolicequippingcenter

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 1 month ago

Scripture Reading
"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
ā€” 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 (NKJV)

At no point does God's sovereignty diminish our responsibility as believers. We are called to occupy and dispossess what God has already conquered for us. Jesus commands us to "occupy until I come" (Luke 19:13), charging us to stand firm, proclaim the gospel, and confront darkness with the light of His truth.

This is not a passive stance but an active declaration of faith. In a world that constantly shifts, we are called to be steadfastā€”settled and firm in the truth of Christ's victory. To be immovable means that nothing can shake our faith or dislodge us from our spiritual position. We are more than conquerors because Jesus has assured our victory.

No matter what challenges you face, stand your ground. Be unwavering in your belief and confident in Godā€™s promises. Your position is one of strength, and your labor is never in vain. Be steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. The promise and the victory are yours because your Savior said so, and He is faithful.

Prayer Declaration
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the victory that is already mine through Jesus Christ. Today, I choose to stand firm in faith, steadfast and unmovable. I declare that no challenge will shake my confidence in You. I plant my feet in Your Word and raise the shield of faith. I will not be moved; I will not back down. By Your Spirit, I am equipped to occupy and dispossess the works of darkness. Strengthen me to always abound in Your work, knowing that my labor is never in vain. In Jesusā€™ mighty name, amen.

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 2 months ago

Uprooting the Little Foxes

"Catch the troubling foxes, the shy little foxes that hinder our relationships, for they raid our budding vineyard of love to ruin what is planted within you. Will you catch them and remove them from me? We will do it together!" - Song of Solomon 2:15 (Passion Translation)

In our journey of faith, small but significant hindrancesā€”bitterness, anger, and maliceā€”can spoil the fruitful work God is doing in our lives. These 'little foxes' may seem insignificant, but they have the power to destroy the blessings and growth God intends for us.

Pride is a chief fox that spoils the vine. It tells us that we don't need to address these small issues, leading to larger problems. But God calls us to identify and remove these foxes, working alongside Him to maintain the purity and health of our spiritual vineyard.

Heavenly Father, reveal to me the 'little foxes' in my life that hinder my relationship with You and others. Help me to recognize pride and its deceitful ways. Give me the strength and wisdom to uproot these hindrances and walk in humility, love, and truth. Thank You for Your grace and guidance. Amen.

Identify one 'little fox' in your life this week. It could be a recurring attitude, behavior, or thought pattern rooted in pride. Ask God to help you address and remove it. Write down practical steps you can take to prevent it from spoiling the fruit God is growing in you.

From part of the teaching "The Hideous and Deceitful Spirit of Pride Part 3" available on our website, Rumble or Youtube channel.

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 2 months ago

King Jesus! May your name be lifted high...we want to see your kingdom come!

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 2 months ago

šŸ›”ļø Guard Your Heart šŸ›”ļø

How often do we forget the simple yet profound advice from Proverbs: 'Above all else, guard your heart with all diligence'? In this powerful clip, Apostle Jonathan Byrd delves into the essential practice of guarding our heartsā€”not out of legalism, but out of diligence. Discover why the state of our heart directly influences our life's outcomes and how we can secure our spiritual breakthroughs by being mindful of our words and actions.

šŸŽ„ Watch as Apostle Byrd explains the pivotal role of our heart in shaping our destiny and why sometimes the most significant battle is guarding the words we speak.

#SpiritualGrowth #GuardYourHeart #ApostleByrd #Faith #ChristianLiving #Proverbs"

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 3 months ago

The prophetic word of the Lord released yesterday to us was SUBDUE! šŸ—£ļø - That, as we worship Him ushering in His glory and His majesty enters, everything in the room must bow before Him and be subdued! šŸ‘‘

šŸ—£ļøDeclare with us: 'Everything in my life is subdued before the King of Kings! He overcomes obstacles, quiets turmoil, and brings order to chaos. The mouths of lions are shut, the seas are calmed, and divine supply is released. In His presence, every need is met and every stronghold is brought into subjection!' Let His kingly power subdue your fears, control your circumstances, and cultivate victory in your life.'

This month, let King Jesus enter your situation and subdue every challenge! As we worship, His glory fills every area of our lives, bringing all things under His control. Financial struggles, physical ailments, relational challenges - all must bow and be conquered by His authority.
Isaiah 6, 1 Chronicles 17:10 NKJV)

#KingdomCenterRockford #PropheticEncouragement #subdue #apostolicequippingcenter #takingterritory #AmbassadorsForChrist #influence #MoreThanAConqueror #rockfordil #Illinois

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 4 months ago

šŸŒŸ Fatherhood: A Divine Honor šŸŒŸ
The highest honor that God ever designated to man was the title of father. Fatherhood is not merely a choice for a male; it is the very constitution of his nature. The essence of a male is fatherhood. In the heart of scripture, we discover that the greatest accomplishment of true fatherhood is not attaining it but releasing it.
Fatherhood is about passing on knowledge, experiences, wisdom, and achievements to the next generation. This is called vision. Vision is the purpose for mentoring and the motivation for succession. The first act of fatherhood is to identify, train, and develop his replacement. Just as the lion, known as the "king of the beast," prepares his replacement to run the kingdom, so must men prepare the next generation.
šŸ“– Scripture Texts: Genesis 12:1-3; Romans 4:16
In 1 Corinthians 4:14-15, Paul writes, "I do not write these things to shame you, but as beloved children I warn you. For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus, I have begotten you through the gospel." This highlights the unique role of a fatherā€”not just as a provider, but as a mentor and guide.
Prayer and Declaration:
Heavenly Father, we lift up all fathers to You today. We declare that fathers are anointed with divine wisdom, strength, and vision. They are empowered to pass on knowledge, experiences, wisdom, and achievements to the next generation. We proclaim that fathers are equipped to lead, mentor, and shape the future with Your guidance.
Grant them the strength to lead with integrity, the wisdom to mentor with insight, and the vision to inspire future generations. May they reflect Your love and guidance in all they do. Help them to identify, train, and develop their replacements, ensuring that Your wisdom and love are passed down through the ages. We ask for Your blessings upon them as they fulfill their divine role. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Letā€™s continue to honor and pray for the fathers in our lives, recognizing their vital role in shaping future generations. šŸŒšŸ‘‘
#Fatherhood #Vision #Mentoring #Scripture #PrayForFathers #KingdomCenterRockford

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 4 months ago

"From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?' But Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.' - John 6:66-68

Embracing Truth in Today's World:
In an age filled with rhetoric and hostility towards truth, embracing the teachings of Jesus is more important than ever. Just as many disciples turned away from Jesus because they couldn't accept His challenging words, we face similar pressures today. The truth of God's word often stands in contrast to popular opinion and cultural norms.
Peter's response to Jesus reminds us that amidst confusion and dissent, we must cling to the eternal truth found only in Christ. By embracing this truth, we align ourselves with God's will and purpose, finding strength and direction in His eternal promises. This commitment requires us to trust His wisdom, even when His words challenge our understanding or comfort. Remember, His words are spirit and life, providing the sustenance we need for our spiritual journey.

"I thank You, Lord, for Kingdom hearing and sight so that I may hear, see, and recognize Your truth and not be offended by it. Keep my heart bent towards You and ever mindful that without You, there is no place else to go. Help me to accept the hard teachings, realizing it is only with You that I find true life. I am Your disciple, called and chosen to stand firm in Your truth. I declare that Your words are my foundation, my strength, and my life. In the face of a world hostile to truth, I boldly proclaim that I belong to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I will not be swayed by the winds of culture or the rhetoric of the age. I stand rooted in the eternal word of God, knowing that Your truth is the path to eternal life. Lord, to whom shall I go? You have the words of eternal life."

For the complete teaching on 'Kingdom Hearing' click on our videos and be blessed.

#KingdomHearing #ApostolicTeaching #KingdomCenterRockford #EmbraceTruth #EternalLife #SpiritualJourney #SeekHimFirst #standfirminfaith #apostolicequippingcenter #apostolic #jesuschrist #holyspirit

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Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Posted 4 months ago

Deuteronomy 1:11"May the Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you are, and bless you as He has promised you!"
Today, we declare and receive this powerful promise over our lives. šŸ™

Prayer:"Father, we're asking you to do the supernatural uncommon thing for us this week. Just a supernatural, uncommon thing that our minds didn't think of, our hearts didn't anticipate, Lord. We call it into being... We prophesy over our lives, just an uncommon blessing to come upon us.

Lord, we release it upon our lives according to Deuteronomy 1:11, that the Lord our God would bless us a thousand times more, just as He has promised. We call for a thousand times blessings to come upon us, and to be released upon us. We decree it upon us now in the name of Jesus. Amen."

Let this be our declaration today. May we walk in His abundant blessings and see His promises fulfilled in our lives. šŸ™ŒāœØ

#DailyDeclaration #Faith #Blessings #DivineFavor #Deuteronomy111 #KingdomCenterRockford #Prophecy #SupernaturalBlessings

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